Our Regular Communiques to Students During COVID-19 UPDATED 5/15/2022
We have retired this page as of May 15, 2022.
This page contains a log of all the weekly email messages we have sent to our enrolled students since March 11, 2020, when the Chicago area began practicing strict social distancing.
Message sent on May 15, 2022
Dear Enso Karate Students and Families,
Congratulate yourselves on a week of training in a very hot and muggy environment — everyone was sweating before they even began moving and stayed strong and motivated throughout some tough workouts. Keep it up! (And, remember your water!)
Over the last week, we’ve had three reported cases of COVID-19 at the Chicago dojo. In accordance with our procedures, we communicated these cases to all those who were present with the individuals who tested positive. We are also sharing this information now with our larger community in the spirit of transparency and to offer some context around these numbers:
- Including these three cases, we have had a total of 10 positive reported cases at both dojo locations since opening our new South Loop location in December 2021.
- This 5-month timeframe spanned the intense omicron outbreak around the New Year.
- Currently, Enso Karate has approximately 150 students.
Given these variables, we are grateful our numbers have remained as low as they have, and we have decided to hold steady on our guidelines to remain aligned with the City of Chicago. In other words, there are no changes to our current COVID safety protocols at this time. As a reminder, here are the practices we will continue:
- Not currently required:
- Masks
- Proof of vaccine
- Advance class registration
- Currently required:
- Staying home if you are feeling sick
- Reporting positive cases to us so we can conduct contact tracing steps to all who may have been exposed (email us at info@ensokarate.com to report a positive case)
- Being welcoming and affirming of all those who choose to take additional precautions, such as wearing a mask or training online
We are very much keeping an eye on our own internal data, external public health data, and input from Enso families to constantly reevaluate our protocols and consider changes. We welcome you to contact us at any time if you have questions or suggestions. Your experience at Enso is important to us!
We’re happy to announce that our next kyu exam to provide students with an opportunity to earn their next rank is coming up on Saturday, June 18! Exams will be offered both in-person and online, but we’ll use one set of exam requirements. The eligibility list will be shared soon!
Would you like to learn more about the application of techniques you learn in kata? A new class option, Kata Bunkai, will be offered on Thursday nights at 7:30pm at the Chicago dojo starting Thursday, May 19. It will be taught by Sensei Marco Martina. This class focuses on kata “bunkai,” or the “analysis” of kata, and involves understanding and practicing the application of techniques in a safe way. This class is open to adults and youth ages 14 and above, orange belts and up. Pre-registration is not required; however, to help get the class started, please submit this quick interest form.
We are happy to report that the entrance is now fixed!! You can now enter through Harrison Street with the call box as usual. Thank you for your patience as we waited for parts to come in and repairs to be made. Thanks especially to Yuma and Sensei Maxine for their extra efforts to help students access the dojo quickly and safely from the alley entrance.
In honor of Memorial Day, karate classes will not be held Friday, May 27 through Monday, May 30. We encourage students to take advantage of our flexible online and in-person schedule to attend additional classes during the other weeks of May.
We hope to see all of your at the dojo or online!
Sensei Jay & Sensei Denise
Message sent on May 8, 2022
Dear Enso Karate Students and Families,
This Mother’s Day, we are especially thankful for the moms and women in our lives, and those we hold in our memories. For all the mothers and the mothers-at-heart, thank you for your care and kindness!
We also want to say WELCOME to students who have recently started training with us. If you see some new faces around, please be sure to say hello and introduce yourselves.
Would you like to learn more about the application of techniques you learn in kata? We are excited to announce a new class option, Kata Bunkai, which will be offered on Thursday nights at 7:30pm at the Chicago dojo starting next Thursday, May 19 by Sensei Marco Martina. This class focuses on kata “bunkai,” or the “analysis” of kata and involves understanding and practicing the application of techniques in a safe way. This class is open to adults and youth ages 14 and above, orange belts and up. Pre-registration is not required; however, to help get the class started, please submit this quick interest form.
The call box at the front entrance on Harrison St. is not yet working, so please continue to call up when you arrive.
In honor of Memorial Day, karate classes will not be held Friday, May 27 through Monday, May 30. We encourage students to take advantage of our flexible online and in-person schedule to attend additional classes during the other weeks of May.
We hope to see all of your at the dojo or online!
Sensei Jay & Sensei Denise
Message sent on April 24, 2022
Dear Enso Karate Students and Families,
We are loving the great energy in classes! Let’s keep it up as we close out another month this week!
Chicago Dojo Front Entrance Update: We are still waiting for the Chicago dojo front entrance to be fixed as the building awaits the arrival of some custom parts. So, we will need to continue entering through the alley entrance for this week. Thank you for your patience! Here are the instructions for entering the Chicago dojo:
Enter through the alleyway just east of the usual entrance on Harrison.
About 50 feet down, you will see a large loading dock, with a doorway to its left.
A member of Enso’s staff will be present to let you in a doorway, which will lead back to our usual elevator. You can call the dojo phone number if a staff member is not present: 312-877-5504
We strongly recommend that parents accompany their children to this entrance to make sure they meet up with a member of Enso’s staff.
Good luck to athletes competing next weekend, both at home and abroad! Next weekend, there are three big events happening for some Enso students. Maile, Mateo, and Milo are heading to Limassol, Cyprus to compete in the WKF K1 Youth League tournament. Sensei Jay and Sensei Denise will be coaching U.S. athletes at the event. Please wish them all safe travels when you see them!
Meanwhile, the rest of the Enso Elite Karate Team are headed to AAU Karate’s Regional Championships in Grayslake, IL, where they expect to face fierce competition in one of the best-attended regional tournaments in recent history. Although it’s a regional tournament, athletes from all over the nation are expected to descend upon Illinois for the event, which has been coupled with a “team trials” event the next day. The trials provide an opportunity for athletes to qualify for AAU Karate’s National Team, which will compete at the WUKF World Championships taking place later this summer in Florida — the first time that tournament has been hosted in the United States. Good luck to all!
Schedule this week: Although we will be traveling out of the country this week, a full slate of classes is still on in both Chicago and Oak Park! That’s possible due to the stellar crew of Sensei we have here at Enso. Big thank yous and much appreciation go out to Sensei Saul, Sensei Sam, Sensei Marco, Sensei Kurt, Sensei Rahmil, Sensei Katie, Sensei AJ, and Sensei Christa, Sempai Maxine, Sempai Ryan, Sempai Lucas, and Yuma, for working so hard to keep our dojo going strong.
May Tuition: Please remember that tuition is due/processed by auto-renew on the 1st of the month. If you’re not set to auto-enroll (which comes with a $5/month discount!), or if you’d like to change your tuition option, please email info@ensokarate.com by April 30 at 9pm. If you have friends or family interested in giving karate at Enso a try, you can direct them here where they can learn about trial class opportunities available at the beginning of May.
Have a great week, all!
Sensei Jay & Sensei Denise
Message sent on April 17, 2022
Dear Enso Karate Students and Families,
For those celebrating, we wish you and your loved ones joyful and peaceful holidays. We are grateful to be part of a dojo whose members come from many different traditions.
We learned from our landlord that it will take about a week or so longer to get the Chicago dojo front entrance fixed. So, we will need to continue entering through the alley entrance for this week. Thank you for your patience as we wait for the repair, hopefully soon. Here are the instructions for entering the Chicago dojo.
Temporary Alleyway Entrance Instructions:
Enter through the alleyway just east of the usual entrance on Harrison.
About 50 feet down, you will see a large loading dock, with a doorway to its left.
A member of Enso’s staff will be present to let you in a doorway, which will lead back to our usual elevator. You can call the dojo phone number if a staff member is not present: 312-877-5504
We strongly recommend that parents accompany their children to this entrance to make sure they meet up with a member of Enso’s staff.
We look forward to seeing you this week, in-person or online!
Sensei Jay & Sensei Denise
Message sent on April 10, 2022
Dear Enso Karate Students and Families,
Over the weekend, a car accident severely damaged the front entrance to the Chicago dojo, rendering the doorway completely inoperable. The building managers are working as quickly as possible to make repairs, but in the meantime we are preparing to possibly enter through the side alleyway for Monday’s classes. Our tentative plan is outlined below, but please keep your eyes open for another possible email from us during the day on Monday in case plans change.
Tentative & Temporary Alleyway Entrance Instructions:
- Enter through the alleyway just east of the usual entrance on Harrison.
- About 50 feet down, you will see a large loading dock, with a doorway to its left.
- A member of Enso’s staff will be present to let you in a doorway, which will lead back to our usual elevator.
- If they aren’t there, that means they just walked some students to the elevator and will be back momentarily. We will try to post a sign so you know you are in the right place.
- Since this is an alleyway and a new process, we strongly recommend that parents accompany their children to this entrance to make sure they meet up with a member of Enso’s staff.
- The dojo phone number is: 312-877-5504
Thank you for your understanding and flexibility as we work through this unexpected issue! As you know, our students’ safety is always our #1 priority, and we will be working hard to make this process as smooth and safe as possible.
Chicago Blast Karate Invitational is a Wrap!
Were it not for this unfortunate accident, we would have started this week’s email with… CONGRATULATIONS AND THANK YOU to all of our athletes, parents, volunteers, coaches, and referees who helped make today’s event a HUGE SUCCESS. Our tournament ran on time and lots of fun was had by all due to the HARD WORK of a large number of people who lugged equipment, ran rings, ran staging, kept our volunteer station tidy, welcomed guests, solved problems, provided medical care, and so many more functions that are necessary for a fun, safe tournament with over 220 athletes from all across the Midwest. We are always so proud of the number of folks in the Enso community who show up to participate and spectate and who bring the very best of skill and sportsmanship to the tournament floor. We are proud of each and every one of you, and we’re very grateful for this amazing community.
As always, thanks for being part of our dojo community and never hesitate to reach out to us with questions or suggestions.
Sensei Jay & Sensei Denise
Message sent on April 3, 2022
Dear Enso Karate Students and Families,
As we continue full-steam into April, we are focused on our tournament, which is NEXT WEEKEND! We are also hosting trial classes for those who may be interested in trying out karate at Enso for the first time — please see below for details and be sure to tell your friends!
Chicago Blast Karate Invitational — Deadlines, Volunteering, and More!
Enso is co-hosting this event in Hyde Park on Sunday, April 10th, and we’d really love to see EVERY member of our community participate in some way — as a competitor, referee, volunteer, or spectator. Please note:
To compete, late registration is still open until April 8 (that’s this Friday!): There are events designed for students of all ranks, ages, and abilities. This is a great time to give competition a try with so many friendly faces around! Register today.
To volunteer, email us at info@ensokarate.com ASAP!: Successful tournaments require many lending hands. We are looking for volunteers (who can be students, parents, or friends of Enso!) to help set-up, check-in participants, keep score, keep time, and many other tasks that will help this special event run smoothly. Volunteers will get free admission to the tournament, and we’ll train you up in everything you need to know.
To referee (Black belts ages 15+), email us at info@ensokarate.com ASAP!: If you’re interested in helping referee this tournament, we’d love to have you! We will provide training on the rules and procedures prior to the tournament day. Less experienced referees will be paired with senior refs to ensure a smooth and fair experience for all.
Special Trial Class Opportunities in April!
Please tell your friends, neighbors, and followers about this special “trial class” opportunity at Enso. We don’t typically offer trials due to the time-intensive nature of running them, but we know there is increased interest in our new schedule and facility. That’s why we’re offering this opportunity — for a $20 fee — to give Enso Karate a try for a full instructor-led class during one of the following times:
Mon, April 3, 5:30-:6:30pm
Fri. April 8, 5:30-:6:30pm
Sat. April 9, 9:30am-10:30am
Participants should be adults or youth aged 6+, and they can wear comfortable workout clothes to the session. To register, they should create an account in our system and then pay for the trial class. Or, just they can just email info@ensokarate.com to let us know when to expect them!
As always, thanks for being part of our dojo community and never hesitate to reach out to us with questions or suggestions.
Sensei Jay & Sensei Denise
Message sent on March 28, 2022
Dear Enso Karate Students and Families,
First, congratulations are in order for our Enso Elite Tournament Team, which competed in the 2022 AAU Karate Central District Championships this past weekend (that’s why Dojo Weekly is a bit late — sorry!). As always, our athletes gave it their best and showed strong spirit and sportsmanship, and our parents and coaches were incredibly supportive. See below for photos and more details on individual results. Now, on to this week’s top announcements.
Chicago Blast Karate Invitational — Deadlines, Volunteering, and More!
Speaking of tournaments, Enso is co-hosting this event in Hyde Park on Sunday, April 10th, and we’d really love to see EVERY member of our community participate in some way — as a competitor, referee, volunteer, or spectator. Please note:
- To compete, register by March 31 (that’s this Thursday!): Though we will allow registrations through April 8 for an additional fee, we encourage you to register this week so you avoid late fees and have more time to prepare. Remember: There are events designed for students of all ranks, ages, and abilities. This is a great time to give competition a try with so many friendly faces around! Register today.
- We need volunteers (and there’s a training meeting this Friday!): Successful tournaments require many lending hands. We are looking for volunteers (who can be students, parents, or friends of Enso!) to help set-up, check-in participants, keep score, keep time, and many other tasks that will help this special event run smoothly. Volunteers will get free admission to the tournament, and we’ll train you up in everything you need to know. A volunteers meeting will be held on Friday, April 1 at 8:00pm at the Chicago dojo, and also via Zoom. Sign-Up to Volunteer
- We also need referees (Black belts ages 15+): If you’re interested in helping referee this tournament, we’d love to have you! We will provide training on the rules and procedures prior to the tournament day. Less experienced referees will be paired with senior refs to ensure a smooth and fair experience for all. Sign-Up to Referee
Special Trial Class Opportunities in April!
Please tell your friends, neighbors, and followers about this special “trial class” opportunity at Enso. We don’t typically offer trials due to the time-intensive nature of running them, but we know there is increased interest in our new schedule and facility. That’s why we’re offering this opportunity — for a $20 fee — to give Enso Karate a try for a full instructor-led class during one of the following times:
- Fri. April 1, 5:30-:6:30pm
- Sat. April 2, 9:30am-10:30am
- Mon, April 3, 5:30-:6:30pm
- Fri. April 8, 5:30-:6:30pm
- Sat. April 9, 9:30am-10:30am
Participants should be adults or youth aged 6+, and they can wear comfortable workout clothes to the session. To register, they should create an account in our system and then pay for the trial class. Or, just they can just email info@ensokarate.com to let us know when to expect them!
April Tuition
Please remember that tuition is due/processed by auto-renew on the 1st of the month. If you’re not set to auto-enroll (which comes with a $5/month discount!), or if you’d like to change your tuition option, please email info@ensokarate.com by March 30 at 9pm.
As always, thanks for being part of our dojo community and never hesitate to reach out to us with questions or suggestions.
Sensei Jay & Sensei Denise
Message sent on March 20, 2022
Dear Enso Karate Students and Families,
For the first time in what feels like a long while, we don’t have any new policy or schedule changes to announce! Having settled into our new dojo home in the South Loop, and with the COVID situation more stabilized, we’re really finding our groove. (Fingers crossed that it stays that way!)
Of course, that doesn’t mean we’re not busy! The Enso Elite team is officially kicking off its season with the Illinois Districts tournament next weekend, and we are gearing up to host the Chicago Blast Karate Invitational in mid-April. We’ll also be in touch soon with some special community events planned for Spring and Summer.
In the meantime, here are some announcements and reminders for this week:
- OAK PARK – SPECIAL SESSION THIS TUESDAY: In the Oak Park dojo, we will be holding an extra Beginner’s class on Tuesday, March 22 from 6:30-7:30pm. This is to make sure you have a full slate of classes in March, despite missing a class during our Spring Break.
- ONLINE – SPECIAL KATA SESSIONS THIS FRIDAY: We are holding two special 30-minute sessions on Zoom, focusing on Heian Godan (6:15-6:45pm) and Jion (6:45-7:15pm). These sessions are highly encouraged for students who must focus on these kata for their belt exams.
- APRIL TUITION: Please remember that tuition is due/processed by auto-renew on the 1st of the month. If you’re not set to auto-enroll (which comes with a $5/month discount!), or if you’d like to change your tuition option, please email info@ensokarate.com by no later than March 29 at 9pm.
- CHICAGO BLAST KARATE INVITATIONAL: Enso is co-hosting this event in Hyde Park on Sunday, April 10th. The tournament is open to ALL students — all ages, all ranks, and all abilities. We encourage everyone at Enso who knows the first kata to consider participating so you can experience the fun and challenge of competition on your home court — with Enso’s instructors, students, and families there to cheer you on! The registration deadline is March 31st. More details below. More details are on our special tournament website.
As always, thanks for being part of our dojo community and never hesitate to reach out to us with questions or suggestions.
Sensei Jay & Sensei Denise
Message sent on March 13, 2022
Dear Enso Karate Students and Families,
Please remember that Enso’s 4-day Spring Break will be this Wednesday-Saturday, March 16-19. No classes will be held at the Chicago or Oak Park dojos during that time. We encourage students to take advantage of our flexible online and in-person schedules to attend additional classes during the other weeks of March.
In the Oak Park dojo, we will be holding an extra Beginner’s class on Tuesday, March 22 from 6:30-7:30pm. This is to make sure you have a full slate of classes in March, despite missing a class during our Spring Break.
We want to be sure everyone is aware of our upcoming tournament, the Chicago Blast Karate Invitational, which will be co-hosted by Enso Karate and our friends at Adamson’s Karate Studios. This event will be held in Hyde Park on Sunday, April 10 — just about a month away! The registration deadline is March 31, so be sure to check out the tournament website and ask us any questions you may have about preparing to compete.
This tournament is open to ALL students — all ages, all ranks, and all abilities. We encourage everyone at Enso who knows the first kata to consider participating so you can experience the fun and challenge of competition on your home court — with Enso’s instructors, students, and families there to cheer you on.
If you’re new or less experienced in competition, we also encourage you to attend our next Tournament Prep Session, which will be Sunday, March 20, from 11am-12pm at the Chicago dojo. This session will help prepare students for the rules and etiquette that are unique to the tournament experience. The cost is $20. Register here.
As always, thanks for being part of our dojo community and never hesitate to reach out to us with questions or suggestions.
Sensei Jay & Sensei Denise
Message sent on March 6, 2022
Dear Enso Karate Students and Families,
We want to be sure everyone is aware of our upcoming tournament, the Chicago Blast Karate Invitational, which will be co-hosted by Enso Karate and our friends at Adamson’s Karate Studios. This event will be held in Hyde Park on Sunday, April 10 — just about a month away! The registration deadline is March 31, so be sure to check out the tournament website and ask us any questions you may have about preparing to compete!
This tournament is open to ALL students — all ages, all ranks, and all abilities. We encourage everyone at Enso who knows the first kata to consider participating so you can experience the fun and challenge of competition on your home court — with Enso’s instructors, students, and families there to cheer you on.
If you’re new or less experienced in competition, we also encourage you to attend our next Tournament Prep Session, which will be Sunday, March 20, from 11am-12pm at the Chicago dojo. Register here.
In addition to our regular schedule of classes this month, we wanted to highlight these special events and break reminders:
- Friday, March 11 – Special Sessions for Heian Yondan (6:15pm-6:45pm) & Bassai Dai (6:45pm-7:15pm): These 30-minute Zoom sessions are highly encouraged for students who must focus on these kata for their belt exams. Preregistration not required.
- Friday, March 11 (7:30pm) – Make-Up Exams will be held in-person at the Chicago dojo. Register here.
- March 16-19 – Enso’s Spring Break: We will not hold any classes in Chicago, Oak Park, or online. We encourage students to take advantage of our flexible online and in-person schedules to attend additional classes during the other weeks of March.
- March 22 – Additional Beginner’s class. In the Oak Park dojo, we will be holding an extra Beginner’s class on Tuesday, March 22 from 6:30-7:30pm.
- March 20 (11am-Noon) – Tournament Prep Session: Enso is hosting a tournament prep session for students who are new or less experienced in competition. This session will help prepare students for the rules and etiquette that are unique to the tournament experience. The cost is $20. Register here.
As always, thanks for being part of our dojo community and never hesitate to reach out to us with questions or suggestions.
Sensei Jay & Sensei Denise
Message sent on Feb. 27, 2022
Dear Enso Karate Students and Families,
Spring is in the air! Please read below for important reminders about our March schedule and be advised that our new password for the Online Dojo is: springtime.
As we’re sure you’ve seen in the news, the State of Illinois and City of Chicago have recently changed their COVID-19 mitigation guidance. As such, we have updated our own procedures to align with those recommendations effective on Monday, February 28, 2022. The latest guidance is summarized below and is always available at www.ensokarate.com/covid19.
If you haven’t already, please use this form to let us know if you plan to receive your belt and certificate in-person or if you need us to mail them to you.
The make-up exam is scheduled for Friday, March 11 and will be held in-person at the Chicago dojo. Register here.
Please be reminded that tuition is due/processed by auto-renew on the 1st of the month. If you’re not set to auto-enroll (which comes with a $5/month discount!), or if you’d like to change your tuition option, please email info@ensokarate.com by no later than February 27 at 9pm.
In addition to our regular schedule of classes this month, we wanted to highlight these special training requests and break reminders:
- Hybrid Advanced Kata Classes – Feedback Request: We experimented with a hybrid class model (concurrent online + in-person) during February, and we’d love to hear your feedback! Please email info@ensokarate.com to let us know if you’d like this training option to continue.
- Online Kata Sessions: Sensei Denise will lead 30-minute sessions on Zoom, focusing on specific kata. These sessions are highly encouraged for students who must focus on these kata for their belt exams. Preregistration not required.
- Fri. March 11 – 6:15pm-6:45pm Heian Yondan
- Fri. March 11 – 6:45pm-7:15pm Bassai Dai
- Fri. March 25 – 6:15pm-6:45pm Heian Godan
- Fri. March 25 – 6:45pm-7:15pm Jion
- Tournament Prep Sessions – In preparation for the Chicago Blast Karate Invitational that Enso is hosting in April, we are hosting two tournament prep sessions for students who are new or less experienced in competition. These sessions will help prepare students for the rules and etiquette that are unique to the tournament experience. The cost to attend is $20 per session, and they will be held on Sunday, March 6 and Sunday, March 20 from 11am-12pm. Register here.
- Spring Break – Enso’s Spring Break will be from March 16-19, when we will not hold any classes in Chicago, Oak Park, or online. We encourage students to take advantage of our flexible online and in-person schedules to attend additional classes during the other weeks of March. In the Oak Park dojo, we will be holding an extra Beginner’s class on Tuesday, March 22 from 6:30-7:30pm.
As always, thanks for being part of our dojo community and never hesitate to reach out to us with questions or suggestions.
Sensei Jay & Sensei Denise
Message sent on Feb. 20, 2022
Dear Enso Karate Students and Families,
This weekend we hosted our first-ever kyu exams at our new dojo location in Chicago, and it was a real pleasure to feel everyone’s energy and a blast to greet many families who were visiting us for the first time. We also hosted online exams earlier the same day, and we were equally impressed by the spirit that those students projected through their screens — no easy feat.
Without further ado, here are the exam results! We plan to award belts and certificates this week. Please use this form to let us know if you plan to receive your belt and certificate in-person or if you need us to mail them to you. The make-up exam is scheduled for March 11 and will be held in-person at the Chicago dojo. Register here.
Exams are a time for students to demonstrate karate skills and knowledge, physical development, and mental fortitude. It’s also an opportunity to recognize progress and set goals. And as we often say, earning a higher rank also means more responsibility to be a good example and help others in the dojo.
As always, we so appreciate the dedication and hard work of all of our students, and the families who support them in their karate journey. We also want to thank the instructors, who spent the day judging exams and reflecting on our instruction.
- President’s Day – Yes, classes are on for tomorrow!!
- Advanced Kata Class – We are experimenting with a hybrid class model (concurrent online + in-person) for this week’s advanced kata class, which is only open to Brown and Black belts and which will take place on Saturday from 10:30-11:30am. If you normally can’t make it to the Chicago dojo for this class, please do try to join us online and let us know how this class structure works for you.
- March – As we approach March, please be reminded that tuition is due/processed by auto-renew on the 1st of the month. If you’re not set to auto-enroll (which comes with a $5/month discount!), or if you’d like to change your tuition option, please email info@ensokarate.com by no later than February 27.
- Spring Break – Enso’s Spring Break will be from March 16-19, when we will not hold any classes in Chicago, Oak Park, or online. We encourage students to take advantage of our flexible online and in-person schedules to attend additional classes during the other weeks of March. Stay tuned for announcements about additional training opportunities in the weeks ahead as well.
- COVID-19 – We continue to follow official guidance from the State of Illinois, City of Chicago, Village of Oak Park, and Cook County regarding COVID protocols. There are no changes at this time, but we wanted to remind you that our current COVID protocols can always be referenced here. We still expect all students and guests to wear masks, share proof of vaccination, and register in advance for in-person classes.
As always, thanks for being part of our dojo community and never hesitate to reach out to us with questions or suggestions.
Sensei Jay & Sensei Denise
Message sent on Feb. 13, 2022
Dear Enso Karate Students and Families,
On Valentine’s Day, we celebrate all the people we love — our partners, our families, our friends, and all those in our dojo community. We hope to see you at the online or Chicago classes tomorrow as we celebrate our shared love of karate!
This week we have Belt Exams on Saturday, February 19th. Here is the modified schedule:
- Classes:
- 9:30-10:30 AM – Youth & Adults: Beginners (Chicago dojo)
- 9:30-10:30am – Youth and Adult All Levels (Chicago dojo)
- 9:30-10:15am – Youth and Adult All Levels (Online)
- Exams:
- 10:30-11:45am – ONLINE BELT EXAM
- 12:00-2:00pm – IN-PERSON BELT EXAM (Chicago dojo)
We are working on the arrival/log-in times for examinees and expect to send that information out early this week.
Have a LOVE-ly week. See you in-person or online!
Sensei Jay & Sensei Denise
Message sent on Feb. 6, 2022
Dear Enso Karate Students and Families,
We were thrilled to participate in the Chinese New Year celebration at Navy Pier this past weekend, where a small handful of Enso students performed three demonstrations in front of hundreds of guests. Happy year of the tiger, everyone!
We also want to give a big welcome to new students who started their karate journeys with us recently – WELCOME! If you see some new faces in the dojo, be sure to introduce yourselves!
As we continue into February, please remember these important dates and special opportunities.
Feb. 19 – Special Schedule for Kyu Belt Exams: On Feb. 19, our schedule will be as follows:
- Classes:
- 9:30-10:30 AM – Youth & Adults: Beginners (Chicago dojo)
- 9:30-10:30am – Youth and Adult All Levels (Chicago dojo)
- 9:30-10:15am – Youth and Adult All Levels (Online)
10:30am-11:30 Advanced KataCANCELLED11:30-12:30 Adult All LevelsCANCELLED- Exams:
- 10:30-11:45am – ONLINE BELT EXAM
- 12:00-2:00pm – IN-PERSON BELT EXAM (Chicago dojo)
- Links:
- Check the eligibility list
- Register for either the online or in-person exam (same link)
- Review the exam requirements, which are the same for both online and in-person exams right now
- If you will test online, see our guidelines for Online Exams
- For examinees: Please note that we will schedule your arrival/log-in times after we know which test you prefer — online or in-person. Please register by Sat. Feb. 12 (or let us know if you do NOT plan to test) so that we can set and communicate the exact exam times.
New Training Option to Try: Hybrid Classes. We are experimenting with some new training formats and options this month. As we work out the kinks, we’ll be offering these courses free of charge for now. So, get in an extra training session with us and weigh in on how this works! Depending on interest and feedback, we may continue these options for some time into the future. Try it out and let us know what you think!
- Hybrid Classes: These classes will be taught to online and in-person audiences concurrently. Pre-registration required for in-person.
- Sat. Feb. 12. Advanced Kata Class. 10:30am-11:30am.
- Sat. Feb. 26. Advanced Kata Class. 10:30am-11:30am.
Private Sessions: Several students have asked us to create some one-on-one training options. These private sessions can be offered either online or in-person, for either 30 or 60 minutes, for a fee. If you’re interested in learning more, please contact us.
Enso Elite Tournament Team & Competition Opportunities for All: Interested in getting into karate competitions this year? We have the Enso Elite 2022 season lined up and are inviting all Enso Karate students to consider joining the team. Go to this page to learn more and register for the team. If committing to the team doesn’t work for you, there are other opportunities to compete. We are happy to answer any questions about this – just let us know.
Wishing you a great week – we’ll see you in-person or online!
Sensei Jay and Sensei Denise
Message sent on Jan. 30, 2022
Dear Enso Karate Students and Families,
Whether you are taking classes from home, training at the Chicago or Oak Park dojos, viewing video tutorials in our Online Dojo (password: WinterIsComing), or all of the above, we are happy to see students working hard and staying connected.
Here are important reminders for this week and month ahead:
Feb. 1 – Auto-Renew Payments/Tuition Due: If you’re not set to enroll automatically (which comes with a $5/month discount!), or if you’d like to change your tuition option, please email info@ensokarate.com by Jan. 30.
Feb. 19 – Special Schedule for Kyu Belt Exams: On Feb. 19, our schedule will be as follows:
- Classes:
- 9:30-10:30am – Youth and Adult All Levels (Chicago dojo)
- 9:30-10:15am – Youth and Adult All Levels (Online)
10:30am-11:30 Advanced KataCANCELLED11:30-12:30 Adult All LevelsCANCELLED
- Exams:
- 10:30-11:45am – ONLINE BELT EXAM
- 12:00-2:00pm – IN-PERSON BELT EXAM (Chicago dojo)
- Important Exam Links:
- Check the eligibility list
- Register for either the online or in-person exam (same link)
- Review the exam requirements, which are the same for both online and in-person exams right now
- If you will test online, see our guidelines for Online Exams
- For examinees: Please note that we will schedule your arrival/log-in times after we know which test you prefer — online or in-person. Please register ASAP (or let us know if you do NOT plan to test) so that we can set and communicate the exact exam times.
New Training Options to Try: We are experimenting with some new training formats and options this month. As we work out the kinks, we’ll be offering these courses free of charge for now. So, get in an extra training session with us and weigh in on how this works! Depending on interest and feedback, we may continue these options for some time into the future. Try it out and let us know what you think!
- Hybrid Classes: These classes will be taught to online and in-person audiences concurrently. Pre-registration required for in-person.
- Sat. Feb. 12. Advanced Kata Class. 10:30am-11:30am.
- Sat. Feb. 26. Advanced Kata Class. 10:30am-11:30am.
- Online Kata Sessions: Sensei Denise will lead 30-minute sessions on Zoom, focusing on specific kata. These sessions are especially encouraged for students who must focus on these kata for their belt exams. Preregistration not required.
- Mon. Jan 31 6:15pm-6:45pm Bassai Dai
- Fri. Feb 4 6:15pm-6:45pm Heian Yondan
- Fri. Feb 4. 6:45pm-7:15pm Heian Sandan
- Sat. Feb. 5 9:00am-9:30am Heian Godan
- Sat. Feb. 5 10:30am-11:00am Tekki Shodan
Private Sessions: Several students have asked us to create some one-on-one training options. These private sessions can be offered either online or in-person, for either 30 or 60 minutes, for a fee. If you’re interested in learning more, please contact us.
Enso Elite Tournament Team & Competition Opportunities for All: We are working to reinvigorate our tournament team now that more competition opportunities are opening up.
- Upcoming Tournaments: Two high-quality, local tournaments are coming up, providing the perfect opportunity to compete for the first time or dive back into competition. AAU Karate Districts Championships are March 27 in the Chicagoland area and the Enso-hosted Chicago Blast Karate Invitational is coming up in Hyde Park on April 10. Please let us know if you’re interested.
- Enso Elite Team Informational Session: If you’re interested in participating in our team this year, we’re having an informational session on Feb. 6, from 1-2pm. It will be held at the dojo and we will log into Zoom too for those who want to join remotely. Open to new and experienced competitors. Students who are new to competition and are curious are especially invited to come and learn more. Please join us to learn more about this high-intensity team training environment and what we expect from this year’s competition schedule. Please RSVP here. If you can’t make the session, but you’re interested, please let us know!
- Tournament training sessions. Stay tuned for competition training sessions to be announced shortly.
We look forward to seeing you in-person or online this week. Keep training!
Sensei Jay & Sensei Denise
Message sent on Jan. 23, 2022
Dear Enso Karate Students and Families,
It’s the last full week of training in January! If you’re not set to auto-enroll (which by the way comes with a $5/month discount!), or if you’d like to change your tuition option, please let us know your plans for February by no later than Jan. 30. As a reminder, we launched new rates and training options — with Basic, Standard, and Unlimited options for both Online-only as well as any combo of In-Person + Online. All the details are always at www.EnsoKarate.com/Register.
World Karate Federation K-1 Youth League – Acapulco, Mexico. As you may have noticed, we are out of town! Thank you to our amazing group of Black belts for covering classes for us while we are away. We travelled to Acapulco, Mexico so that Maile, Mateo, and Milo could participate in the World Karate Federation Karate-1 Youth League tournament. It’s a high-level world event involving over 400 athletes (ages 12-17) from 32 countries. Because of their performances and resulting rankings in some AJKL tournaments over the last year, Maile and Mateo were partly sponsored to participate, and we coached some of the other athletes from the US. On Sunday, all three athletes also competed in the MX Open held at the same location. Being able to see top karate athletes from around the world was exciting, and we’ve also enjoyed building friendships and making new ones with other athletes and coaches. Mateo earned a bronze in kata and a bronze in kumite at the K-1 Youth League and a gold in kata at the MX Open. Maile earned a silver at the MX Open. At both events, Milo faced strong opponents, and won some matches but did not get to the end of the bracket. Maile, Mateo, and Milo all brought their best to the tatami and represented our dojo and the USA very well. We are proud of them!
COVID Reminders.
- Reservations: Please continue to reserve your spot if you plan to attend in-person classes; here’s how. If you have any trouble with this, don’t hesitate to ask us to add you to a class (or remove a reservation).
- Proof of Vaccination: Per Chicago and Cook County regulation, all in-person students are also required to show proof of vaccination; here’s how.
- Notice of Confirmed Cases: If you/your child has attended in-person class and is diagnosed with COVID-19, please notify us so that we can take the necessary steps to ensure the safety of others. If we are informed that an individual who was present in a dojo location has tested positive for COVID-19, we will inform people who were present about the confirmed case(s) (individual identities will not be included) and point them to resources for guidance:
- Chicago Coronavirus Response Center / What to do if you’re exposed
- IDPH: Confirmed or possible COVID-19
- CDC: Isolation and quarantine guidance
Event Reminders. Don’t forget about these upcoming events:
- Feb. 19 – Kyu Belt Exams: The eligibility list will be shared soon. Please note that regularly scheduled classes will not be held on this date. If you think you’re due for an exam, keep training hard like you always do!
- April 10 – Chicago Blast Karate Invitational. As you know, we re-scheduled our tournament for later this Spring. Check out the details and register today!
We look forward to seeing you in-person or online this week. Keep training!
Sensei Jay & Sensei Denise
Message sent on Jan. 17, 2022
Dear Enso Karate Students and Families,
We hope you are staying healthy and feeling well as January zips by!
In-Person + Online Options = Whole Dojo Experience. We are so happy to offer flexible training options in Chicago, Oak Park, and online, allowing students to train where they feel most comfortable and when it best fits into their family’s schedule. Our schedule is always online at www.EnsoKarate.com/Schedule.
COVID Reminders.
- Reservations: Please continue to reserve your spot if you plan to attend in-person classes; here’s how. If you have any trouble with this, don’t hesitate to ask us to add you to a class (or remove a reservation).
- Proof of Vaccination: Per Chicago and Cook County regulation, all in-person students are also required to show proof of vaccination; here’s how.
- Notice of Confirmed Cases: If you/your child has attended in-person class and is diagnosed with COVID-19, please notify us so that we can take the necessary steps to ensure the safety of others. If we are informed that an individual who was present in a dojo location has tested positive for COVID-19, we will inform people who were present about the confirmed case(s) (individual identities will not be included) and point them to resources for guidance:
- Chicago Coronavirus Response Center / What to do if you’re exposed
- IDPH: Confirmed or possible COVID-19
- CDC: Isolation and quarantine guidance
Event Reminders. Don’t forget about these upcoming events:
- Feb. 19 – Kyu Belt Exams: The eligibility list will be shared soon. Please note that regularly scheduled classes will not be held on this date. If you think you’re due for an exam, keep training hard like you always do!
- April 10 – Chicago Blast Karate Invitational. As you know, we re-scheduled our tournament for later this Spring. Check out the details and register today!
We look forward to seeing you in-person or online this week. Keep training !
Sensei Jay & Sensei Denise
Message sent on Jan. 9, 2022
Dear Enso Karate Students and Families,
We hope you are all staying healthy. Today we want to share some updates and reminders.
First week back. We had great energy and effort in in-person and online classes this week even with cold weather and current COVID-19 conditions. Online classes were a bit larger than we saw in December. We are so glad to have flexible options available in our schedule.
Notification of confirmed COVID cases. This past week, we became aware of three known COVID-19 cases, occurring on two different days. Students/families who attended class on those days have already been notified separately. If you/your child has attended in-person class and is diagnosed with COVID-19, please notify us so that we can take the necessary steps to ensure the safety of others. If we are informed that an individual who was present in a dojo location has tested positive for COVID-19, we will inform people who were present about the confirmed case(s) (individual identities will not be included) and point them to resources for guidance:
- Chicago Coronavirus Response Center / What to do if you’re exposed
- IDPH: Confirmed or possible COVID-19
- CDC: Isolation and quarantine guidance
For in-person classes. Please continue to reserve your spot if you plan to attend in-person classes. See How to make a reservation for an in-person class. If you have any trouble with this, don’t hesitate to ask us to add you to a class (or remove a reservation).
MLK Day reminder. No classes will be held in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Monday, January 17, 2022.
Thank you for your support, encouragement, and friendship through karate. We are truly a special dojo community and feel honored to be in it with you!
Sensei Jay & Sensei Denise
Message sent on Jan. 2, 2022
Dear Enso Karate Students and Families,
As we start 2022, and our 20th year as a dojo, we are looking forward to more training, friendship, and fun with you. We are excited to get the new year started as classes resume Monday, January 3.
Following our last email update regarding COVID protocols and schedule over the break, here is a reminder on what’s happening this week.
- IN-PERSON CLASSES / COVID Protocols. If you are planning to train in-person at the Chicago or Oak Park locations, please be sure to:
- Upload or bring valid proof of COVID-19 vaccination. This is required for all students and visitors age 5 and up starting January 3rd. See below on how to provide proof of vaccination.
- Reserve your spot in class. While we are not expecting demand for in-person classes to increase significantly in January, we are asking students to make advance reservations and will limit class sizes to 20 students in the Chicago and Oak Park dojos. This will allow us to control the number of people in the dojo at any given time and more efficiently comply with the new vaccination requirement. See How to make a reservation for an in-person class. If you have any troubles with this, don’t hesitate to ask us to add you to a class.
- Bring your mask. Masks are required for all students and visitors. Masks may only be taken off briefly during designated water breaks, when students will be kept at a distance.
- US Karate Olympian Sakura Kokumai at Enso on Saturday! We are excited to have the opportunity to host US karate Olympian Sakura Kokumai for two karate seminars on Saturday, January 8th. Sensei Kokumai will offer one session covering kihon (basics) from her karate style, and another on the kata Chatanyara Kushanku. This event is open to Enso Karate students, as well as guests from other dojos. Our COVID protocols will be in effect for these events. Please see below for details. The 11:30am adult class on Saturday will not be held. All other “Youth & Adult” in-person and online Saturday classes will be held as scheduled.
- Beginners! Our January schedule now includes specific classes during the week to welcome students who are new to karate in both our Chicago and Oak Park dojo locations. These are concurrent with the existing classes. If you know someone who has been considering taking their first steps in karate, please send them our way. (Unfortunately, we are not able to accommodate new beginners in online classes at this time.) New students can register online, and of course contact info@ensokarate.com with any questions.
- Other January/February notes.
- The Chicago Blast Karate Invitational is postponed until April 10, 2022.
- No classes will be held in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Monday, January 17, 2022.
- The next belt exam is scheduled for Saturday, February 19, 2022. No karate classes will be held on that day.
We’ll see you in person and online this week. Stay healthy, and let’s get stronger in 2022!
Sensei Jay & Sensei Denise
Message sent on Dec. 27, 2021
- Events during Winter Break. We will need to reschedule events we had planned for this week. Unfortunately, the Kids Only Game Day, and Adults Night Out will be postponed. We hope we can hold these events a bit later in the Winter.
- Chicago Blast Karate Invitational. This event will not be held in January. We are working on selecting a new date for March or April.
- January Class Schedule. After careful consideration, we will begin the new year with our current schedule starting Monday, January 3, 2022, which includes both in-person and online training options. We will continue to monitor the COVID situation and make changes if needed.
- Updated COVID Protocols. Please note our updated COVID-19 Safety Protocols:
- Per the City of Chicago’s Public Health Order 2021-2. Enso Karate will require valid proof of COVID-19 vaccination for all students and visitors age 5 and up starting January 3rd. See below on how to provide proof of vaccination.
- Reservations Required for In-Person Classes. While we are not expecting demand for in-person classes to increase significantly in January, we are asking students to make advance reservations and will limit class sizes to 20 students in the Chicago and Oak Park dojos. This will allow us to control the number of people in the dojo at any given time and more efficiently comply with the new vaccination requirement. See How to make a reservation for an in-person class.
- Masks are required for all students and visitors. Masks may only be taken off briefly during designated water breaks, when students will be kept at a distance.
- Tuition and Registration for January. As already announced, new tuition rates are in effect beginning January 1, 2021. Auto-renew payments will be processed on January 1. If you plan to train online ONLY, please confirm your option with us. Please email info@ensokarate.com by Dec. 28 If you require any changes or have questions. Also, you may register and pay for your tuition option by using the links on our website.
Message sent on Dec. 19, 2021
Dear Enso Karate Students and Families,
As we head into the last week of karate classes before we pause for a Winter Break, we want to say thank you to our dojo community for your support as we turned the page on this new chapter. So far, the new Chicago dojo has been working well, and attendance in classes in Oak Park and online have remained steady. Thank you for diligently following our masking protocol and doing your part to help us all stay safe and healthy.
As previously announced in our Dojo Weekly email, please be reminded that new tuition rates are in effect as of January 1, 2022. Email info@ensokarate.com by December 27 to make any changes to your tuition option. If you plan to train online ONLY, please confirm your option with us.
While we will not be holding classes over Winter Break from Dec. 24 to Jan. 2,please note our special events coming up:
- Sun. Dec. 26. 1-2pm. Tournament Prep Session. If you’re new to competition, we encourage you to attend this session to help you prepare for the Enso-hosted tournament on Jan. 16. Sign-up for the free prep session.
- Mon. Dec. 27. 1-3pm. Kids-Only Holiday Games at the Dojo. Free event. Sign-up.
- Wed. Dec. 29. Adults Night Out (21+) See Facebook event to RSVP.
We hope to see you in-person or online this week. Happy holidays and happy new year to you all!
With all our best,
Sensei Jay & Sensei Denise
Message sent on Dec. 14, 2021
Dear Enso Karate Students and Families,
Our first week on LaSalle Street is in the books! We can’t be happier to be back in a routine with a dojo home. Thank you to those who joined us already, and we hope you all join us as often as possible throughout December!
Looking ahead to 2022, here’s what we expect:
Same Schedule: Our schedule will remain the same as it is in December, with classes at the South Loop, Oak Park, and Zoom. It’s always available for reference at www.EnsoKarate.com/schedule.
More Events: We’ve always enjoyed hosting both big exciting events that bring together the entire karate community — such as tournaments and seminars — as well as small community events just for us to enjoy each other’s company. We have several fun things planned over Winter Break (Dec. 24 – Jan. 2) and throughout January. Details are always available at www.EnsoKarate.com/events.
New Rates for 2022: We also wanted to share with you as soon as possible that we will be changing our monthly rates beginning in January 2022. We will, of course, continue to offer discounts for auto-renew ($5/month), family ($5/month), and full-time college student ($30/month).
- In-person training for both Chicago and Oak Park:
- Basic (1 class/week) – $100
- Standard (2 classes/week) – $150
- Unlimited (3 or more classes/week) – $175
- Online-only training fees will remain the same:
- Basic (1 class/week) – $75
- Standard (2 classes/week) – $105
- Unlimited (3 or more classes/week) – $120
Please email info@ensokarate.com by December 27 to make any changes to your tuition option.
Please know that we don’t make these rate changes lightly. We analyzed a number of factors to determine these rates, including current pricing at other local martial arts and specialized fitness centers as well as the high costs of doing business in a downtown location. You may recall that before the pandemic our rates hadn’t increased since 2018, and tuition was reduced by 8-14% at the start of the pandemic to reflect the different online experience.
We also hope you see the value in training with Enso, where we not only have a beautiful facility and more than 20 years of experience offering high-quality karate instruction, but where we also always strive to maintain a number of flexible training options and a strong sense of community. We are proud that Enso Karate is a prominent dojo that is well-known in the Chicago area, and well-connected to national and international networks of karate practitioners and organizations.
As we look toward 2022, we are eager and excited to share our new dojo home with a growing student population — those of you who kept training throughout the pandemic, those of you who will be returning to the dojo now that we have a new space, and new students who will begin their journeys with us in the new year. Together, we have no doubt Enso will go into our 20th year as strong as we’ve ever been.
As always, we welcome your feedback and questions.
With all our best,
Sensei Jay & Sensei Denise
Message sent on Dec. 6, 2021
Dear Enso Karate Students and Families,
We are so excited for classes this evening! We hope you’ll join us for classes at 5:30 PM (youth and adults, white-purple), 6:30 PM (youth and adults, brown-black), and/or 7:30 PM (adults, all levels) to revel in this long-anticipated special moment together. Remember to bring your mask and a full water bottle — and see below for details on accessing our space.
Also, we will hold one online class (youth and adults, all levels) 6:45-7:30pm using the regular class link (WinterIsComing is the password for the online dojo). We plan to run the class from the new space, so please bear with us as we work from this new environment.
Oh, and since SO much is happening this month, we’re temporarily going back to a WEEKLY message to make sure you have quick access to information on what’s going on. Please read through this message and mark your calendars for all the many exciting upcoming events.
With all our best,
Sensei Jay & Sensei Denise
Message sent on Nov. 28, 2021
Dear Enso Karate Students and Families,
It may still be November, but we are already starting to celebrate the dawn of a new year with SO much NEW happening at Enso very quickly! We are thrilled to finally be making these announcements and can’t thank you enough for your patience and understanding. Please read through this message and mark your calendars for all the many exciting upcoming events.
With all our best,
Sensei Jay & Sensei Denise
Message sent on Oct. 31, 2021
Dear Enso Karate Students and Families,
As you know, we are very close to securing our new dojo location. We hoped we could give you the official news in this monthly update, but we’ll need to wait a bit longer as we finalize the details. Keeping our fingers crossed that we can share good news very soon!
In the meantime, the class schedule will continue similarly for November, with a few notes.
- HYDE PARK CLASS LOCATION. We will continue training at the CSO Multiplex in Hyde Park on Tuesdays during November. However, we will be training in a different space within the complex. We will be located on the elevated level above the locker rooms.
- THANKSGIVING BREAK. Our schedule of in-person and online classes will take a pause from Monday, Nov. 22 through Sunday, Nov. 28. Please train as much as you can throughout the month.
- LATIN STREET DANCE SCHEDULE. This month, Youth & Adult: All Levels class will be held 6:30-7:30 PM on only these two Fridays: Nov. 12 and Nov. 19.
Also, auto-renew tuition payments will be processed on November 1st. Please contact info@ensokarate.com if you require any changes to your tuition option.
Thanks to all the students and families for your support and commitment to training, whether in-person, online, or both. As we finally get into a new space, and vaccinations become available for the young ones, we’re excited to reconnect and reenergize as a dojo family in the near future!
With all our best,
Sensei Jay & Sensei Denise
Message sent on Oct. 1, 2021
Dear Enso Karate Students and Families,
It’s been a while since our last email! Hopefully everyone has settled into new rhythms and is enjoying the change of seasons. Here’s what we have for the month of October.
As we reported last month, a new permanent dojo space in the South Loop has been identified and we are very excited! Lease negotiations are in progress now and we are hoping to make an official announcement soon. We are so appreciative of our dojo community for sustaining through this long pandemic. Thank you for your patience and support!
We’re making a few changes in the October schedule which reflect shifting attendance in in-person and online classes. The schedule is included below and posted to our website. Notably, we have a new schedule for Thursdays in Oak Park.
Auto-renew tuition payments were processed on October 1st. Please contact info@ensokarate.com if you require any changes to your tuition option.
We will be participating in two in-person tournaments this month. All Enso students are invited. If you/your child would like to participate, please contact Sensei Jay ASAP so that we can get you registered.
- Ohio Hayashi Challenge, Oct. 9, Westchester, Ohio
- ITKA World Friendship Tournament, Oct. 10, Margate Fieldhouse, Chicago
See you in-person or online and please stay healthy and safe!
Sensei Jay & Sensei Denise
Message sent on August 29, 2021
Hi all,
Thank you to those who made it to beach training! It was one of our HOTTEST beach days ever, but that made being in the cool lake waters feel all the better! As we head into September this week, here are a few reminders and news items:
A new permanent dojo space in the South Loop is looking more and more promising every day. We don’t want to jinx ourselves by sharing details too soon, but we can tell you that it’s located just a couple blocks from our old Wells Street location with similar training space. We’re hopeful that the lease negotiations will get wrapped up in September and some minor construction can be completed soon after. As soon as it’s locked down, we’ll share more info!
Meanwhile, we’re slightly revising our schedule for September so class times are more conducive to school year and instructor schedules — please see below for the full schedule, which is now also posted to our website. A few things to highlight:
- No changes to online classes
- Time changes to in-person classes
- New additional in-person class at Latin Street for youth and adult white, yellow, orange, green, and blue belts on September 17 and 24
Auto-renew tuition payments will be processed on September 1. Please contact info@ensokarate.com if you require any changes to your tuition option.
Reminder this weekend, Friday, Sept. 3 – Monday, Sept. 6, will be our Labor Day Holiday Break! Please remember there are no karate classes during this time.
Don’t forget your mask if you’re training in-person! As you know, both Oak Park and Chicago are now requiring masks for indoor activities. All students and guests are required to mask-up during our in-person trainings. We will continue to monitor public health guidance and make adjustments as needed.
Good luck to Enso Karate students competing at the NKF National Karate Championships in Schaumburg this weekend.
We started out the pandemic with daily emails to socialize a very new and different kind of schedule. Gradually, we moved to a weekly system as we all got used to the new routine. Now, we no longer feel the need for weekly updates — though we will send out monthly news/reminders and of course special announcements on a need-to-know basis!
Please see below for our new September password, which begins now.
Finally, best of luck to everyone starting a new school year. We are still all in this together, and we appreciate you!
Stay safe,
Sensei Jay & Sensei Denise
Message sent on August 22, 2021
Hi all,
Belt exams are one of our favorite traditions — so great to just sit back and watch our students do what they’ve been trained to do, and observe their progress. Students who train regularly and work hard in every class always make big improvements from test to test, and it’s a thrill to see the fruits of their labor pay off! Congratulations to all those who tested last weekend and will receive their promotions during classes this week. Keep it up!!
Just a few quick reminders this week:
- This Saturday, August 28, is our Annual Beach Training!! Meet us at 9:30 am at the 31st Street Beach for about an hour of training followed by fun in the sun for as long as you want to hang out! Family and friends are very welcome and encouraged to come along. We hope to see you there! See more details on our website. Please note that no other classes will be held on Saturday.
- Next weekend, Friday, Sept. 3 – Monday, Sept. 6, will be our Labor Day Holiday Break! Please remember there are no karate classes during this time.
- September starts soon! It’s hard to believe that it’s almost September! We are still working to negotiate the details on a promising new space in the South Loop, but we don’t anticipate it will be ready in September. We will continue with this hybrid online/in-person schedule for a bit longer, though we may make some very slight adjustments to the schedule to accommodate some school-year needs as everyone’s schedules shift around. Please be on the lookout for those details next week.
- Don’t forget your mask if you’re training in-person! As you know, both Oak Park and Chicago are now requiring masks for indoor activities. All students and guests are required to mask-up during our in-person trainings. We will continue to monitor public health guidance and make adjustments as needed.
Thank you to everyone for your continued cooperation and support!
Sensei Jay & Sensei Denise
Message sent August 16, 2021
Hi all,
The COVID situation continues to change and evolve, and so too do our protocols. Starting this week, we are going back to requiring masks for all students, regardless of their vaccination status.
We will continue to offer our hybrid schedule of in-person and online classes, but we’ve added this extra precaution, in line with CDC guidance, because of rising positivity rates related to the extremely contagious Delta variant. We want to do everything we can to keep everyone safe — especially our youngest students who haven’t yet had the opportunity to be vaccinated.
This new policy will also apply to this Saturday’s upcoming kyu belt exam, which is being offered both online and in-person. If you would like to change your testing preference, please contact us before Wednesday.
We will continue to monitor public health guidance and make adjustments as needed. Thank you to everyone for your continued cooperation and support!
Sensei Jay & Sensei Denise
Message sent on August 9, 2021
We were so excited to watch karate debut at the Olympics this week! In particular, we were excited to cheer on the American athletes — Sakura Kokumai, Ariel Torres, Tom Scott, and Brian Irr. Those names will officially go down in history as the first ever Americans to compete in karate at the Olympics. And Ariel Torres earned a bronze medal in men’s kata to boot! They all represented our sport well, and we hope that the Olympic Committee will include karate again in the future.
This weekend, some of our students competed at a tournament in Irvine, CA. Results are included below.
Also, see below for reminders on our upcoming Kyu Exam on August 21st! Kindly register ASAP so that the testing scheduled can be arranged.
Coming up this week, we will continue to be in California to do some college visits and have some family time before summer ends. But classes will continue as scheduled with other instructors filling in. Sensei Saul will handle the online classes; Sensei Sam and Sensei Maxine will fill-in in Hyde Park; and Sensei Katie and Sensei Lucas will be teaching in Oak Park. And of course many of our other black belt leaders will be lending a hand too. Thank you to our fantastic instructors, and have a great week, everyone!
Message sent on August 1, 2021
Finally, the time has come to see Karate as an official event in the Olympics! We are very excited for the world to see the power, grace, control, and focus we love in karate. You may remember that in June 2020, our dojo had the honor of hosting Sakura Kokumai for a training and Q & A session with our dojo. She was strong, humble, and truly inspiring! She will be representing the USA in Women’s Kata, along with with three other American athletes: Ariel Torres (Men’s kata), Tom Scott (Men’s -75kg kumite), and Brian Irr (Men’s +75kg Kumite).
There will be total of 82 athletes competing in kata and kumite over three days, starting on Thursday, August 5. Here is a guide for watching the USA athletes, and here is NBC’s page to view all the Olympic karate events and results. For more personal perspective, you can also follow the team on Instagram (@usakarate, @sakurakokumaikarate, @arielkarate1, @tomscott75).
At class on Tuesday night in Hyde Park, we plan to take some photos/video to show our support for the USA athletes and all the athletes competing in karate. Make a sign if you like, and help us cheer on the athletes!
On August 21, we will hold our next Kyu Belt Exam. This time around we will hold online and in-person exams. Please see below for details. No karate classes will be held on Saturday, August 21.
The August schedule will continue as it has this summer. We expect to make some changes to the schedule for September, hopefully with a more robust offering of in-person classes.
The Nacu family will be traveling to California the first two weeks of August, which will involve participating in the Irvine Karate Classic tournament, visiting relatives, making some college visits, and taking some family time before summer ends. Classes will continue as scheduled with other instructors filling in. Big thanks to our awesome instructors!
Let’s go, Team USA!
Message sent on July 26, 2021
This is the last week of July, and some of you may be wondering “what happens next?” Well, two things.
First, our current schedule will continue throughout the month of August, with in-person classes 2-3 days/week as well as online classes 4 days/week. The schedule is posted below for reference.
Second, we wanted to update you a bit on our efforts to find a new dojo. We are very seriously pursuing a space in the South Loop, just a few blocks from our previous Wells Street location. While we still have a lot of work to do to negotiate the final lease and complete some minor construction to get it karate-ready, we are hopeful this will be a great new home for us for the next few years. Predicting a timeline is tough, because there are a lot of factors outside our control, but we will continue to update you when we can. In the meantime…keep your fingers crossed!
As always, please let us know if you have any questions or suggestions. And see below for reminders about our regular schedule, special events, and upcoming tournament schedule. Please note that class will not be held at Latin Street this Friday, July 30.
Message sent on July 18, 2021
Hello friends!
We were so thrilled to be able to share a meal with some of our adult students on Saturday night. We had beautiful weather, good food, and most importantly hugs and great conversation. We’ve been missing this!!!
There are no major announcements this week, but see below for reminders about our regular schedule, special events, and upcoming tournament schedule.
See you online or in-person this week!
Sensei Jay & Sensei Denise
Message sent on June 27, 2021
Dear Students & Families,
We will have Zoom classes on Monday night, then we’ll start our summer break on Tuesday, June 28. This is a bit earlier than we originally scheduled — we had to make adjustments because of instructor travel to the Nationals. Summer Break will start on Tuesday, June 29 and go until Tuesday, July 6. We’ll resume our regular schedule on Wednesday, July 7.
We would also like to wish our Enso Elite Karate Team good luck as they compete this week at the AAU Karate National Championships in Greenville, South Carolina. Also, please join us in sending good luck vibes across the ocean to Zachary Gin, who will be competing at the Karate 1-Youth League tournament in Poreč, Croatia.
As a reminder, auto-renew tuition payments for July training will be processed on July 1.
We hope you have a terrific break filled with summer fun, and that you take advantage of tomorrow night’s last opportunity to train before coming back in July!
All our best,
Sensei Jay and Sensei Denise
Message sent on June 20, 2021
Dear Students & Families,
First, we’d like to send out a great big Happy Father’s Day to all the dads and father figures in our lives. Thank you for all the ways you guide and care for us.
This past week we rolled out new safety rules, in line with Illinois and Chicago Phase 5 guidelines. The main things to know for in-person classes are:
- Masks are not required for those who provide proof of vaccination. If you would like to train without a mask, please let an instructor know you’ve uploaded your documentation so we can check our system. This pertains to students and spectators/parents. Thank you for your cooperation.
- Please reserve your spot in in-person classes! Reservations for in-person classes are still required to accommodate class size limits. If you have any issues with this, please let us know and we are happy to help.
We’ve included the details again below for your information.
Considering Phase 5 changes, preferences for in-person/outdoor/online training, vacations, etc., we are planning the rest of the summer to have a good mix of options for training and social activities. As usual, auto-renew tuition processes on the first of the month. If you require any changes, please email info@ensokarate.com.
June Reminders
- No in-person class in Hyde Park on Tuesday, June 29 due to travel to AAU Karate Nationals in Greenville, SC.
- Online classes will be held as scheduled on Wednesday, June 30.
July Schedule
With the exception of our Summer Break (July 1-6), we plan to offer regular weekly classes as currently scheduled, with Zoom classes on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, as well as in-person classes on Tuesdays in Hyde Park, Thursdays in Oak Park, and select Fridays in the South Loop (July 9, 16, 23). Here are other July dates to add to your calendars:
- July 1-6: Summer Break! There will be no classes the week of Summer Break. Have fun!!
- Saturday, July 10: Outdoor Training & Popsicle Social. Join us at Buckingham Fountain from 2:00 – 3:30 PM.
- Sunday, July 18: Six Flags / Hurricane Harbor Outing. Adults, youth, and families are invited to enjoy a day at the amusement park together! Purchase ticket(s) on your own. Youth age 15 and below must be accompanied by an adult. If you plan to go, please complete this form so we know who will join our group.
- TBA: Adult student get together.
Also planned for summer
- Saturday, Aug. 21: Kyu Belt Exams.
- Saturday, Aug. 28: Beach Training! Join us starting at 9:30 AM at the 31st Street Beach.
- September 3-6: Labor Day Holiday (no classes)
Our search for a South Loop area dojo is still in progress. We are actively pursuing three specific potential spaces in the South Loop area. As with any real estate project, it is difficult to predict the exact outcome or timing — but we promise to share more details with you as soon as we can.
See you online or in person soon!
All our best,
Sensei Jay and Sensei Denise
Message sent on June 13, 2021
Dear Students & Families,
Since March 2020, Enso has been following guidance from the City of Chicago and State of Illinois, based on the best available science, to keep our students and families safe from COVID-19 during trainings and events. As of last Friday, those same scientists and leaders declared that Chicago and Illinois are moving to “Phase 5” — an almost full “re-opening” of life as we once knew it, with no capacity limits and very few mask requirements.
Like you, we are rejoicing at the prospect of a more “normal” summer and getting back to many of the people and places we’ve missed so much. But, also like you, we’re giving a lot of thought to what all these changes mean to our lives and to Enso.
Going forward, here are our new training protocols regarding COVID-19 safety:
Masks will not be required for those who provide proof of vaccination. We understand some students may still prefer to wear a mask during training, and we welcome you to do so. However, we will no longer require masks for fully vaccinated students — defined by 2 full weeks after either the second dose of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine or the single dose of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.
If you wish to train without a mask, please present proof of your vaccination through our secure MindBody Online system, which we also use to process tuition payments and make event reservations, by following these three simple steps:
- Step 1: Click here to access Enso’s MindBodyOnline (MBO) system.
- Step 2: Click on the “My Info” tab, and then click on “Documents.”
- Step 3: Click “Choose File,” and then find the image you’ve taken of your vaccination card. Once you find the file, click “upload,” and you are done!
- Alternatively: If you prefer, you can bring your/your child’s vaccination card(s) with you to your next in-person class, and an instructor will take a photograph of your vaccination card to upload to our system later.
Masks will still be required for children under 12, any other unvaccinated individuals, or anyone who cannot present proof of vaccination. Many of our students are young children who haven’t had the opportunity to be vaccinated, and we will continue doing our very best to keep them safe.
Class sizes will remain limited, and advance reservations will still be required. We are increasing class sizes to 25 in Hyde Park, 20 in Oak Park, and 18 at Latin Street Dance. To ensure an appropriately sized class, we are still asking student to make advance reservations.
Our hybrid in-person/online schedule continues this week, with the additional ‘special’ training opportunity Friday night at Latin Street Dance in the South Loop (6:30-7:30 PM for Purple, Brown and Black belts).
Finally, we wish to extend our heartfelt congratulations to all our students who are graduating and advancing to new challenges/opportunities! These past two school years have been especially challenging, and we admire the resiliency and fortitude of our students, their parents, and their teachers!
See you online or in person soon!
All our best,
Sensei Jay and Sensei Denise
Message sent on June 6, 2021Dear Students & Families,
Whether in-person or online, our students are still training hard and building that fighting spirit. We are so grateful for our instructors, assistants, students, parents, and others who make it possible for our dojo to be a place to learn, face challenges, have fun, and work up a sweat!
This week, our schedule continues as previously announced for June. PLUS, we added an additional in-person class at Latin Street Dance this Friday! As a reminder, please reserve for in-person training in advance! Instructions included below.
Our existing tuition structure and prices now includes any combination of our scheduled classes, which include:
- In-person classes in Hyde Park on Tuesdays (Please note: There will be no in-person classes in Hyde Park on Tuesday, June 29, due to travel for AAU Karate Nationals.
- In-person classes in Oak Park on Thursdays
- Online classes on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays
- Special training opportunities at a new location in the South Loop (Latin Street Dance, 600 Roosevelt Road #2W) – youth and adults with a purple belt or higher. The current schedule of Friday online classes will remain the same on these dates.
- Friday, June 11, from 6:30-7:30 PM – just added!
- Friday, June 18, from 6:30-7:30 PM
While there’s no additional fee for in-person classes, students must make a reservation in advance due to limited capacity (20 in Hyde Park, 16 in Oak Park, 16 at Latin Street Dance). Here’s how to reserve your spot:
- Step 1: Click here to access Enso’s MindBodyOnline (MBO) system, which we use to manage a number of our systems. You may recognize it from your last Online Exam or special seminar!
- Step 2: Use the Day/Week buttons to navigate to your desired class(es). You may notice that Online Classes are also listed here, but you DO NOT need to make a reservation for those classes.
- Step 3: Click “Sign Up Now.”
- Step 4: MBO will prompt you to log-in, if you haven’t already. If you can’t remember your password, there is a password-reset option.
- Step 5: Choose to either “Make a Single Reservation” for one class (say, Thursday, June 3, at 5 PM), or “Make a Recurring Reservation” if you are confident you’ll make that specific class every week of June (say, every Thursday at 5 PM).
- Important: If you need to cancel your reservation, at least 24 hours notice is required. With limited capacities, we want to make sure everyone has the opportunity to participate if they can. If you are registered for an in-person class and do not show up, that will still count toward your classes. Here’s how to cancel your registration:
- Log into MBO using the same link as above
- Click on “My Info” and then “My Schedule”
- Click “Cancel” to the right of the class
- Click “OK” when the system asks for confirmation
- Step 6: You will be taken to a confirmation page, and your reservation is now complete. If you want to make a reservation for another class, simply click on the “Class Schedule” tab to start over.
Behind the scenes we continue to work on finding our long-term dojo space. As soon as we have any updates, we will be sure to share any news!
As always, we welcome your input and feedback! See you online or in person soon!
All our best,
Sensei Jay and Sensei Denise
Message sent on May 31, 2021
Dear Students & Families,
As we close out the Memorial Day Weekend, we wish to pause to honor those who have served, and died in service to, our country. We hope you had the chance to enjoy some time with family and friends. It was good for us to take a little break from our normal activities.
During June, we’re excited to continue offering both in-person and online training opportunities — now with no additional drop-in fees for the in-person classes! Our existing tuition structure and prices now includes any combination of our scheduled classes, which include:
- In-person classes in Hyde Park on Tuesdays (Please note: There will be no in-person classes in Hyde Park on Tuesday, June 29, due to travel for AAU Karate Nationals.
- In-person classes in Oak Park on Thursdays
- Online classes on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays
- Special training opportunities at a new location in the South Loop (Latin Street Dance, 600 Roosevelt Road #2W), offered on two dates: Friday, June 4, and Friday, June 18, from 6:30-7:30 PM, for youth and adults with a purple belt or higher. The current schedule of Friday online classes will remain the same on these dates.
While there’s no additional fee for in-person classes, students must make a reservation in advance due to limited capacity (20 in Hyde Park, 16 in Oak Park, 16 at Latin Street Dance). Here’s how to reserve your spot beginning June 1st (note: this process won’t work yet on May 31st due to some technological constraints!):
- Step 1: Click here to access Enso’s MindBodyOnline (MBO) system, which we use to manage a number of our systems. You may recognize it from your last Online Exam or special seminar!
- Step 2: Use the Day/Week buttons to navigate to your desired class(es). You may notice that Online Classes are also listed here, but you DO NOT need to make a reservation for those classes.
- Step 3: Click “Sign Up Now.”
- Step 4: MBO will prompt you to log-in, if you haven’t already. If you can’t remember your password, there is a password-reset option.
- Step 5: Choose to either “Make a Single Reservation” for one class (say, Thursday, June 3, at 5 PM), or “Make a Recurring Reservation” if you are confident you’ll make that specific class every week of June (say, every Thursday at 5 PM).
- Important: If you need to cancel your reservation, at least 24 hours notice is required. With limited capacities, we want to make sure everyone has the opportunity to participate if they can. If you are registered for an in-person class and do not show up, that will still count toward your classes. Here’s how to cancel your registration:
- Log into MBO using the same link as above
- Click on “My Info” and then “My Schedule”
- Click “Cancel” to the right of the class
- Click “OK” when the system asks for confirmation
- Step 6: You will be taken to a confirmation page, and your reservation is now complete. If you want to make a reservation for another class, simply click on the “Class Schedule” tab to start over.
As announced in our Dojo Weekly email last week, we are continuing in transition mode as we pursue both long-term dojo spaces as well as short-term rentals. As always, we welcome your input and feedback! See you online or in person soon!
All our best,
Sensei Jay and Sensei Denise
Message sent on May 23, 2021
Dear Students & Families,
A year ago, we still had the energy to make graphics like this! 🙂 It was only Week 9 of our Online Dojo adventure, and we were all still figuring out COVID Life. Our sense of community has survived and thrived, and now we’re looking ahead to another summer of change — but, this time, with a lot more optimism for what we’re able to do together safely!
We continue to be in transition mode as we look for long-term dojo spaces as well as short-term rental opportunities, while continuing to offer Zoom-based classes that many still wish to attend. That said, we do have one exciting change to announce today: Starting in June, there will be no additional drop-in fees to attend in-person classes!!! Please continue reading for more important details.
- Monday-Thursday: We continue with the May schedule. Please note that pre-registration for in-person classes is required. Our safety rules for the Hyde Park location and Oak Park dojo remain the same.
- Friday-Monday: There will be no classes for the Memorial Day Holiday. We hope everyone gets a chance for a little break and change of pace this weekend.
- Basic ($75/month) = 1 class per week
- Standard ($105/month) = 2 classes per week
- Unlimited ($120/month) = 3 or more classes per week
Again, the prices will stay the same (including the usual discount options), but now the classes that count against your tuition can be any combination of online and in-person classes. If you would like to change your tuition option for June, please email info@ensokarate.com by Sunday, May 30th.
The schedule will mostly stay the same from May to June, with in-person classes offered in Hyde Park on Tuesdays and Oak Park on Thursdays, as well as online classes on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. In addition to all that, we will be offering two additional in-person training opportunities at Latin Street Dance in the South Loop (600 Roosevelt Rd #2W, Chicago):
- Friday, June 4, 6:30-7:30 PM – Youth and adults, purple belts and up
- Friday, June 18, 6:30-7:30 PM – Youth and adults, purple belts and up
- The current schedule of Friday online classes will remain the same.
Please also note that there will be no in-person classes in Hyde Park on Tuesday, June 29, due to travel for AAU Karate Nationals.
While there’s no additional fee for in-person classes, students must make a reservation in advance due to limited capacity (20 in Hyde Park, 16 in Oak Park, 18 at Latin Street Dance). Here’s how to pre-register:
- Log in to MindBody Online
- Go to Class Schedule
- Click “Sign Up Now” for desired class.
Important rule! If you need to cancel your registration, please give us at least 24 hours notice. With limited capacities, we want to make sure everyone has the opportunity to participate if they can. If you are registered for an in-person class and do not show up, that will still count toward your classes for the month.
As always, we welcome your input and feedback! See you online or in person soon!
All our best,
Sensei Jay and Sensei Denise
Message sent on May 16, 2021
Dear Students & Families,
With vaccinations now open to children ages 12 and up, and Illinois moving to the Bridge Phase, we are looking forward to more opportunities to get back to karate and other activities we’ve been missing. If we haven’t said it lately, now is a good time to say again how much we appreciate how our students have stayed strong and shown their support to us and to each other throughout this pandemic. Thank you!!
This week, we continue with the revised scheduled in May, including in-person training options. Please note that pre-registration for in-person classes is still required because of COVID safety rules.
A few notes:
- Last chance to register for AAU Karate Nationals, which be held in Greenville, South Carolina, July 1-3. Contact Sensei Jay by Monday, May 17, at 3:00 PM so we can register you by the early registration deadline.
- We plan to announce the schedule and tuition options for June soon.
- Please note that there will be no classes Friday, May 28th through Monday, May 31st for the Memorial Day Holiday.
As always, we welcome your input and feedback! See you online or in person soon!
All our best,
Sensei Jay and Sensei Denise
Message sent on May 9, 2021
Dear Students & Families,
Our karate competition season was cut short by COVID-19 in March 2020. On Saturday, after a long wait, 22 Enso Karate students made an awesome showing at the 2021 AAU Karate Regional Championships held at the Pullman Center in Chicago! Sensei Jay, Sensei Saul, Sensei Denise, and Sensei Sam helped referee, and parents came to help cheer on the athletes. Thanks to Sensei Rahmil, Victoria, Christine, Maile, Maxine, and Angel for coaching as well! Congratulations to everyone who competed! Pictures and detailed results are posted on our website.
As events like this continue to open up, following safety protocols, we are happy to support students who are interested in competitions. The next big event, AAU Karate Nationals, will be held in Greenville, South Carolina, July 1-3. Pre-qualification is not required, so if any students are interesting in participating, please contact Sensei Jay ASAP. Early registration is due May 14.
We rolled out a revised schedule in May, including in-person training options. Please note that pre-registration for in-person classes is required because of COVID safety rules.
We are continually reviewing attendance and hearing from students about their preferences. In the meantime, our search for an in-person location in/near South Loop is in process. We hope to have some in-person options to offer in June. Thank you so much for your patience and continued support!
There will be no classes Friday, May 28th through Monday, May 31st for the Memorial Day Holiday.
Students can pick up their certificates/belts this week. To help us plan, please let us know using this quick form what works best for you:
- Pick up at Hyde Park location (CSO Multiplex), Tuesday, May 11. 6:00-6:15pm
- Pick up at Buckingham Fountain, Wednesday, May 12. 6:00-7:00pm
- Pick up at Oak Park dojo, Thursday, May 13. 6:00-6:15pm
- Mail to you ($8 mailing fee)
As always, we welcome your input and feedback! See you online or in person soon!
All our best,
Sensei Jay and Sensei Denise
Message sent on May 2, 2021
Dear Students and Families,
As we begin our new May schedule — the first time in over a year that we’re offering regular in-person training opportunities — some words are rattling around our heads: “experimental,” “hybrid,” “transition,” to name a few. During this time, we appreciate your continued patience and feedback, and we’re also thrilled to see strong online participation continue!
As announced last week, May brings new in-person training options and a slightly revised Friday class schedule. We are taking May as an opportunity to assess interest in in-person classes, and we plan to offer some kind of hybrid online/in-person tuition structure starting in June. *For the Oak Park dojo, please note that we adjusted the schedule so that purple belts will be in the 5 PM class instead of the 6 PM class.
Congratulations go to students who took their exam in the make-up test this past week. Here are the results. Belt pick-up will be Wednesday, May 12th, from 6-7 PM near Buckingham Fountain. If you can’t make this time, please just let us know and we will make arrangements for you!
Good luck to students competing in the AAU Karate Regional Championships in Chicago on Saturday, May 8th! Let’s be sure to give them some extra encouragement and feedback this week!
Just a note that while we continue to consider new ways to bring karate instruction to you during this unusual time, we also always have an eye on our future. The South Loop neighborhood has always been our dojo home, and it’s still central to where most of our students live. We are looking for both temporary and long-term dojo spaces in the area, and we welcome your ideas.
As always, we welcome your input and feedback! See you online or in person soon!
All our best,
Sensei Jay and Sensei Denise
Message sent April 25, 2021
Dear Students & Families,
Lots of important info in this message — please read through!
First, congratulations to all the students who tested this past weekend. You continue to impress us by how much progress you’ve been able to make online. Thank you for your dedication!
- Results! Here are the results.
- Belt pick-up will be Wednesday, May 12th, from 6-7 PM near Buckingham Fountain. If you can’t make this time, please just let us know and we will make arrangements for you!
Here are the special events going on this week, in addition to our regular Zoom schedule. Details and registration links are below.
- Tuesday, April 27th – Last call to participate in AAU Regionals. Let Sensei Jay know ASAP if you are interested (jay@ensokarate.com).
- Tuesday, April 27th – In-Person Training in Hyde Park. Please see our indoor training guidelines and pre-register by Monday night.
- 5:00-6:00 PM – Green-Purple Belts, Youth & Adult – Register
- 6:15-7:15 PM – Brown-Black Belts, Youth & Adult – Register
- Thursday, April 29th – Make-Up Exams @ 5:00 PM.
In May, we plan to offer regular in-person training opportunities — Tuesday nights in Hyde Park and Thursday nights in Oak Park! Our Zoom schedule will change slightly, with a different configuration on Friday nights.
Also, we are pausing 1:1 sessions. We are so grateful that our instructors have given their time and talents to so many of our students over the last year. Now, we want them to have the opportunity to train (and help teach!) our in-person offerings.
We anticipate that we will eventually offer some kind of hybrid online/in-person tuition structure. But for now, our new in-person classes will operate on a drop-in rate. This allows us to keep our core Zoom offerings (which our survey showed was still the most desired option), while also experimenting with new venues, class times, and class configurations.
We understand that some of you may want to attend just 1 or 2 in-person classes in May, to see what they’re like; others many want to attend all of them, which may not be the most cost-effective option for your karate schedule at this time. If for any reason you’d like to change your May tuition option, please email info@ensokarate.com to let us know by 5pm on Wednesday, April 28th.
Just a note that while we continue to consider new ways to bring karate instruction to you during this unusual time, we also always have an eye on our future. The South Loop neighborhood has always been our dojo home, and it’s still central to where most of our students live. We are looking for both temporary and long-term dojo spaces in the area, and we welcome your ideas.
As always, we welcome your input and feedback! See you online or in person soon!
All our best,
Sensei Jay and Sensei Denise
Message sent on April 18, 2021
Dear Students & Families,
It’s going to be a very busy week for Enso! In addition to our Zoom classes, we are hosting two in-person training opportunities at the CSO Sports Multiplex in Hyde Park on Tuesday and Thursday, our online kyu exam on Saturday, and an outdoor training in Oak Park on Sunday! Oh, and there’s a tournament coming up in less than a month. Sheesh!
Here’s a quick glance at the dates/times of our events this week — please continue reading below for registration links, COVID safety guidelines, and other important details.
Tuesday, April 20 – In-Person Training at the CSO Multiplex (note new times!)
- 5:00-6:00pm White-orange belts (youth and adults)
- 6:15-7:15pm Brown & black belts (youth and adults)
Thursday, April 22 – In-Person Training at the CSO Multiplex (note new times!)
- 5:00-6:00pm Green-purple belts (youth and adults)
- 6:15-7:15pm Brown & black belts (youth and adults)
Saturday, April 24 – Online Kyu Exam
- 9:30-11:30am Exam times will be sent shortly; Last chance to register!
Sunday, April 25 – Outdoor Training at Barrie Park (Oak Park)
- 2-3pm All ranks and ages welcome!
See you online or in person soon!
Sensei Jay & Sensei Denise
Message sent on April 11, 2021
Dear Students & Families,
Thank you to everyone who joined us at Buckingham Fountain today for what turned out to be a beautiful afternoon (if a tad muddy!). It felt good to train in nice weather again, finally!
Thanks to those who completed our student survey about training for the spring and summer – we received 63 responses. Of those who responded, 64.5% are interested in both in-person and online options, 21% are only interested in in-person classes, and 14.5% are only interested in online classes.
We’re continuing to look for both a permanent/long-term dojo space, as well as some short-term rentals to set-up more in-person training opportunities as more people get vaccinated and things open up. Please let us know if you have any leads on spaces that we might want to rent, buy, or share!
Speaking of new locations… Over the next two weeks we are going to host a “trial run” of a potential short-term training location at the CSO Sports Multiplex, where we hosted our CKC tournament in Hyde Park. Participation in these classes will require pre-registration and a drop-in rate of $20 to cover our rental fees and related costs. These will be 60 minute classes and limited to 20 students. You can see a picture of the set-up below. All students must wear a mask and bring their own water. Karate uniform required.
Thursday, April 15
- 7:15-8:15pm Brown & black belts (all ages)
Tuesday, April 20
- 6:00-7:00pm White-orange belts (youth and adults)
- 7:15-8:15pm Brown & black belts (all ages)
Thursday, April 22
- 6:00-7:00pm Green-purple belts (youth and adults)
- 7:15-8:15pm Brown & black belts (all ages)
We hope to learn from this trial run experience and then offer additional opportunities in the future. We realize Hyde Park is not an ideal location for all our students; please rest assured that we’re searching for options in the South Loop and Oak Park areas as well! And, in the meantime, our full Zoom schedule will continue.
- Kyu Exam – Saturday, April 24
- Outdoor Training at Barrie Park (Oak Park) – Sunday, April 25, 2-3pm
- Make-up Exam – Thursday, April 29
See you online or in-person soon!
All our best,
Sensei Jay and Sensei Denise
Message sent on April 4, 2021
Dear Students & Families,
We are now officially into the month of April! The online dojo password has been changed to “hope” — something we are feeling as we have more and more opportunities to see each other in person due to the warmer weather and higher vaccination numbers!
We’re bringing Outdoor Training back to Buckingham Fountain on Sunday, April 11, from 2-3pm. Space is limited, so please register in advance! It’s been a while since we’ve been at this location, so we included some location maps and outdoor training reminders below.
Please mark your calendars for these special dates in April:
- Outdoor Training at Buckingham Fountain (Chicago) – Sunday, April 11, 2-3pm
- Kyu Exam – Saturday, April 24
- Outdoor Training at Barrie Park (Oak Park) – Sunday, April 25, 2-3pm
- Make-up Exam – Thursday, April 29
See you online soon!
All our best,
Sensei Jay and Sensei Denise
Message sent on March 29, 2021
Dear Students & Families,
We hope everyone had a restful Spring Break! We’re definitely looking forward to getting back to our training routines with you!
This Tuesday is our make-up Kinder Karate class from 4:30-5:15 PM, followed by a SP!R!T TRAINING for all ranks and ages from 5:30-6:30 PM. Wear your uniform (if you have one) and be prepared to move!
Please mark your calendars for these special dates in April, including our next kyu exam — please note the change of date!
- Kyu Exam – New date! Due to a conflict, we need to push the belt exam by one week to Saturday, April 24. The make-up exam will be on Thursday, April 29. Thank you!
- Outdoor Training at Buckingham Fountain (Chicago) – Sunday, April 11, 2-3pm.
- Outdoor Training at Barrie Park (Oak Park) – Sunday, April 25, 2-3pm.
See you online soon!
All our best,
Sensei Jay and Sensei Denise
Message sent March 21, 2021
This week is Spring Break, and no classes will be held. Please see your email for an update on our dojo space plans!
Message sent March 14, 2021
Dear Students & Families,
On Friday, March 6th, 2020, we hosted one of our largest-ever advanced karate classes at the Chicago dojo on Wells Street. We were just beginning to talk about COVID-19.
On Sunday, March 8th, 2020, we participated in a local tournament in Evanston. We were very aware of washing our hands.
On Tuesday, March 10th, 2020, we held our last in-person class at the Oak Park dojo. A student sneezed; everyone held their breath.
On Wednesday, March 11th, 2020, we held our last in-person class at the Chicago dojo, and at 10 p.m. that night we sent out an email to the Enso community saying that we would increase handwashing and social distancing.
At 2:30pm the next day, we said that there was compelling evidence for everyone to stay home, starting immediately, until at least the end of our Spring Break — March 30th.
On Monday, March 16th, we officially launched the online dojo with 11 videos and other resources.
On Monday, March 30th, we held our first Zoom classes and indicated that we would operate as an all-online dojo “until further notice.”
Here we are, a year after those first weeks of uncertainty. We’ve been through a lot together, while apart — 11 outdoor trainings, 6 pop-up sensei, 4 online belt exams, a COVID-friendly in-person Black Belt exam, a smattering of other special social events, and countless nights digging deep to find the motivation to move the living room furniture, plug-in the laptop, wrangle the pets, and step in front of the camera to train.
We remain deeply humbled by your commitment to karate, and deeply grateful for your friendship and community.
As always, please let us know if you have any questions or suggestions.
All our best,
Sensei Jay and Sensei Denise
Message sent March 7, 2021
Dear Students & Families,
Tomorrow is International Women’s Day — a day to celebrate the achievements of women, raise visibility of women’s issues, and take action for equality. To create a world that’s free from stigma, stereotypes, and violence, women need to be in every room and at every table. That’s why we’re so proud of the women who lead us, learn with us, and/or trust us to be a part of their child’s journey.
Don’t forget about our upcoming training opportunities in March, which include some Tuesday classes to make up for our Spring Break on March 22-28. Here’s what’s coming up next:
- Saturday, March 13 – AAU Live Virtual District Championships. Classes will run as scheduled.
- Sunday, March 14 – Outdoor Training & Fun at Barrie Park
- 2-3 PM Karate training for all ages and levels
- 3-4 PM Capture the Flag/Hot Chocolate Social
- Tuesday, March 16 – Additional Training Opportunity
- 6-6:45 PM white – purple belts
- 7-7:45 PM brown – black belts
- Monday, March 22 – Sunday, March 28 – Spring Break. No classes or 1:1 sessions will be held.
- Tuesday, March 30 – Kinder Karate Make-Up & Additional Training Opportunity
- 4:30-5:15 PM Kinder Karate (make-up for no class on March 26)
- 5:30-6:30 PM Spring Spirit Training (all ranks, ages 6+)
The next Kyu belt exam will be held Saturday, April 17th. Please see below for eligibility list, registration links, and more details.
As always, please let us know if you have any questions or suggestions.
All our best,
Sensei Jay and Sensei Denise
Message sent February 28, 2021
Dear Students & Families,
Happy March! Can’t believe it’s almost a year since we started this crazy online adventure. We continue to be grateful for all of you, and inspired by your dedication and hard work!
Don’t forget about our upcoming training opportunities in March, which include some Tuesday classes to make up for our Spring Break on March 22-28. Here’s what’s coming up next:
- Tuesday, March 2 – Additional Training Opportunity
- 6-6:45 PM white – purple belts
- 7-7:45 PM brown – black belts
- Sunday, March 7 – Tournament Training for athletes competing in the upcoming AAU tournament NOTE NEW TIMES
- 10-10:45 AM white – purple belts
- 11-11:45 AM brown – black belts
- Saturday, March 13 – AAU Live Virtual District Championships. Classes will run as scheduled.
- Sunday, March 14 – Outdoor Training & Fun at Barrie Park
- 2-3 PM Karate training for all ages and levels
- 3-4 PM Capture the Flag/Hot Chocolate Social
- Tuesday, March 16 – Additional Training Opportunity
- 6-6:45 PM white – purple belts
- 7-7:45 PM brown – black belts
- Monday, March 22 – Sunday, March 28 – Spring Break. No classes or 1:1 sessions will be held.
- Tuesday, March 30 – Kinder Karate Make-Up & Additional Training Opportunity
- 4:30-5:15 PM Kinder Karate (make-up for no class on March 26)
- 5:30-6:30 PM Spring Spirit Training (all ranks, ages 6+)
We’re also happy to announce that we’re ready for another Kyu belt exam, which will be held Saturday, April 17th. Please see below for eligibility list, registration links, and more details.
As always, please let us know if you have any questions or suggestions.
All our best,
Sensei Jay and Sensei Denise
Message sent on February 21, 2021
Dear Students & Families,
It’s the last week of February, and we have one more special event coming up this Thursday — a Pop-Up Sensei with Sensei Dwight Holley! Please see below for details and registration.
We’re also announcing our plans for March, which include a Spring Break from March 22-28. Because we’re taking a week off when we’re on a monthly tuition schedule, we are offering additional training opportunities throughout the month. Please mark your calendars!
- Tuesday, March 2 – Additional Training Opportunity
- 6-6:45 PM white – purple belts
- 7-7:45 PM brown – black belts
- Sunday, March 7 – Tournament Training for athletes competing in the upcoming AAU tournament
- 2-2:45 PM white – purple belts
- 3-3:45 PM brown – black belts
- Saturday, March 13 – AAU Live Virtual District Championships. Classes will run as scheduled.
- Sunday, March 14 – Outdoor Training & Fun at Barrie Park
- 2-3 PM Karate training for all ages and levels
- 3-4 PM Capture the Flag/Hot Chocolate Social
- Tuesday, March 16 – Additional Training Opportunity
- 6-6:45 PM white – purple belts
- 7-7:45 PM brown – black belts
- Monday, March 22 – Sunday, March 28 – Spring Break. No classes or 1:1 sessions will be held.
- Tuesday, March 30 – Kinder Karate Make-Up & Additional Training Opportunity
- 4:30-5:15 PM Kinder Karate (make-up for no class on March 26)
- 5:30-6:30 PM Spring Spirit Training (all ranks, ages 6+)
More details are included below. As always, please let us know if you have any questions or suggestions.
All our best,Sensei Jay and Sensei Denise
Message sent on February 14, 2021
Dear Students & Families,
Thank you to everyone who joined us last Thursday for training and discussion with Sensei Cheryl Murphy! In addition to some challenging kumite training drills, Sensei Cheryl led us in a discussion about social justice issues in the karate world. In case you missed them, we encourage you all to watch some of the “Karate for Change” YouTube videos (specifically: Asian Experience, Black Experience, and International Experience) and continue the discussion with your friends and dojo-mates.
This week, we have two special events on our calendar:
First is our Open House Kumite Class this Wednesday night (7 PM, ages 14+, ranks Orange+)! Sensei Saul will host a special class for curious students to check out the Wednesday night Kumite class. Activities include fun kumite combinations, conditioning challenges, self-defense applications, and more. If you’ve never tried this class, here is your invitation to try it out! No pre-registration is required, and this open house event will not count as one of your official paid sessions for the week.
We’re also hosing our last tournament prep session this Sunday afternoon (2-4 PM, specific schedule to be shared) in advance of AAU Karate’s Live-Online District Championships. AAU Karate will host the 2021 AAU Karate Central District Championships live and online through Zoom on Saturday, March 13th! To help prepare interested students for this opportunity, we’ll be hosting one more tournament prep session at no extra cost to current students on Sunday, February 21st. Details below.
As always, let us know if you have any questions or suggestions — and stay safe!
All our best,
Sensei Jay and Sensei Denise
Message sent on February 7, 2021
Dear Students & Families,
It is SO cold outside! Hope you are all staying safe inside, with lots of cozy clothes, hot beverages, and KARATE to keep you warm. Here are a few reminders for upcoming events at Enso.
This Week: Pop-Up Sensei & Special Discussion: “Karate for Change”
This Thursday, we’re honored to be joined by Sensei Cheryl Murphy, an accomplished athlete who has competed around the world with the USA NKF National Team for many years. In addition to her athletic accolades, Sensei Cheryl is one of the leaders behind the group Karate for Change, which is bringing attention to social justice issues in the karate world. We encourage you all to watch some of their YouTube videos (specifically: Asian Experience, Black Experience, and International Experience) in advance of Thursday night’s event, which will include 45 minutes of training and 45 minutes of discussion (7:00-8:30 PM).
February Tournament Prep Sessions & AAU’s Live-Online District Championships
AAU Karate recently announced that the 2021 AAU Karate Central District Championships will be held live and online through Zoom! To help prepare interested students for this opportunity, we’ll be hosting more tournament prep sessions at no extra cost to current students. More information on the tournament is below, but save these dates:
- Prep Session: Sunday, February 21st
- Tournament: Saturday, March 13th
Open House! Wednesday Night Kumite Class
Sensei Saul will host a special class for curious students to check out the Wednesday night Kumite class. Activities include fun kumite combinations, conditioning challenges, self-defense applications, and more. If you’ve never tried this class, here is your invitation to try it out! This open house event will not count as one of your official paid sessions for the week.
- Wednesday, February 17th, 7:00 PM (Ages 14+, Ranks Orange+)
As always, let us know if you have any questions or suggestions — and stay safe!
All our best,
Sensei Jay and Sensei Denise
Message sent on January 31, 2021
Dear Students & Families,
We hope you’re maximizing your sledding and snowball fights, and minimizing your shoveling and digging out! What a great time to stay warm inside with some karate! Luckily we have a great line-up of special events this month to add to the fun.
This Week: Do you want to build a snowman?
Build a karate-themed or Enso-themed snowperson and send us a photo! You can dress it up in your karate uniform and/or belt, send us a short video of you doing your favorite karate technique to knock it down, or any other creative snow idea that comes to you! Submit by Friday @ midnight to win our prize: an Adidas brand Enso face mask!
February Pop-Ups & Special Discussion: “Karate for Change”
We are hosting two Pop-Up Sensei training opportunities in February. In honor of Black History Month, we’re featuring Black karateka who have made a big impact on the martial arts community and hosting a special discussion about social justice issues in the karate world. See below for more details!
- Thursday, February 11th, 7:00 PM
- Thursday, February 25th, 6:00 PM
February Tournament Prep Sessions & AAU’s Live-Online District Championships
AAU Karate recently announced that the 2021 AAU Karate Central District Championships will be held live and online through Zoom! To help prepare interested students for this opportunity, we’ll be hosting more tournament prep sessions at no extra cost to current students. More information on the tournament is below, but save these dates:
- Prep Session: Sunday, February 7th
- Prep Session: Sunday, February 21st
- Tournament: Saturday, March 13th
Open House! Wednesday Night Kumite Class
Sensei Saul will host a special class for curious students to check out the Wednesday night Kumite class. Activities include fun kumite combinations, conditioning challenges, self-defense applications, and more. If you’ve never tried this class, here is your invitation to try it out! This open house event will not count as one of your official paid sessions for the week.
- Wednesday, February 17th, 7:00 PM (Ages 14+, Ranks Orange+)
As always, let us know if you have any questions or suggestions — and stay safe!
All our best,
Sensei Jay and Sensei Denise
Message sent on January 24, 2021
Dear Students & Families,
This past week we were joined alllll the way from Japan by Sensei Kenji Hashimoto for a fun, high-spirited training. There are many challenges of working in this online environment, but the ability to connect with fellow karate-ka from all around the world is a definite up-side!
February Pop-Ups
If you weren’t able to join us last week, never fear — we have two more Pop-Up Sensei training opportunities coming up in February. In honor of Black History Month, we’re featuring Black karate-ka who have made a big impact on the martial arts community and hosting a special discussion about social justice issues in the karate world. See below for more details!
- Thursday, February 11th, 7:00 PM
- Thursday, February 25th, 6:00 PM
February Tournament Prep Sessions & AAU’s Live-Online District Championships
AAU Karate recently announced that the 2021 AAU Karate Central District Championships will be held live and online through Zoom! To help prepare interested students for this opportunity, we’ll be hosting more tournament prep sessions at no extra cost to current students. More information on the tournament is below, but save these dates:
- Prep Session: Sunday, February 7th, 2:00 PM
- Prep Session: Sunday, February 21st, 2:00 PM
- Tournament: Saturday, March 13th
Open House! Wednesday Night Kumite Class
Sensei Saul will host a special class for curious students to check out the Wednesday night Kumite class. Activities include fun kumite combinations, conditioning challenges, self-defense applications, and more. If you’ve never tried this class, here is your invitation to try it out! This open house event will not count as one of your official paid sessions for the week.
- Wednesday, February 17th, 7:00 PM (Ages 14+, Ranks Orange+)
As always, let us know if you have any questions or suggestions — and stay safe!
All our best,
Sensei Jay and Sensei Denise
Message sent on January 18, 2021
Dear Students & Families,
Tomorrow is a day to honor and celebrate the American civil rights hero, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. We haven’t always paused our training for this holiday, but in this year of racial upheaval we began to reflect more on why we should.
Dr. King’s lessons on non-violence are very much aligned with our dojo kun to “seek perfection of character, be faithful, endeavor, respect others, and refrain from violent behavior.” While there are seemingly endless quotes from Dr. King that we could choose, this one really speaks to us:
“In the nonviolent army, there is room for everyone who wants to join up. There is no color distinction. There is no examination, no pledge, except that, as a soldier in the armies of violence is expected to inspect his carbine and keep it clean, nonviolent soldiers are called upon to examine their greatest weapons: their heart, their conscience, their courage and sense of justice.”
The idea of coming together as a diverse community of people to examine not only our hearts and minds, but also our “conscience, courage, and sense of justice” really resonates with us as your sensei and as active Chicagoans/Oak Parkers. Through the ways we train and learn together, we often examine ourselves and one another; we find ways to be brave and grow; and we develop a sense of fair play and honor. It is our deepest hope as your sensei that these lessons stay with you when you leave the dojo floor and pursue your life’s work.
We invite you to join us in taking tomorrow evening to rest, reflect, and invest in causes that are meaningful to you. Enso Karate has made a donation to the great local organization My Block, My Hood, My City, which is coordinating a coronavirus response effort for seniors and people living with disabilities. Please consider joining us in support of this cause. They are seeking monetary donations, goods, and volunteers to create and deliver care packages, which include hand sanitizer, health supplements, toiletries, and food. More information is available at www.ForMyBlock.org/ViralResponse.
Even though we aren’t training on Monday, we have lots of options for classes, so make sure you take advantage of our schedule. If you’re not sure which classes are appropriate for you, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Also please mark your calendars for these special events coming up later this week:
- Monday, January 18th: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day – No Classes
- Thursday, January 21st: Pop-up Sensei (6-7 PM) – See below for details.
- Sunday, January 24th: Competition Prep Classes (free classes open to all – see below for details)
As always, let us know if you have any questions or suggestions — and stay safe!
All our best,
Sensei Jay and Sensei Denise
Message sent on January 10, 2021
Dear Students & Families,
In our first full week of 2021, we were very pleased to see great attendance and energy in classes this week. Keep it up! And welcome to our new students!
We have lots of options for classes, so make sure you take advantage of our schedule. If you’re not sure which classes are appropriate for you, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Please mark your calendars:
- Monday, January 18th: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day – No Classes
- Thursday, January 21st: Pop-up Sensei (6-7 PM) – See email for details.
- Sunday, January 24th: Competition Prep Classes (free classes open to all – see below for details)
As always, let us know if you have any questions or suggestions — and stay safe! We wish you a very happy New Year!
All our best,
Sensei Jay and Sensei Denise
Message sent on January 3, 2021
Dear Students & Families,
Starting tomorrow, we’re back to our weekly schedule! We’re so happy Enso continues to be part of your routine — to stay fit, stay centered, and stay connected to your karate friends. See you soon!
Please mark your calendars:
- Monday, January 4th: Classes re-Zoom!
- Sunday, January 10th: Competition Prep Classes (free classes open to all – see below for details)
- Monday, January 18th: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day – No Classes
- Thursday, January 21st: Pop-up Sensei (6-7 PM) – See below for details.
- Sunday, January 24th: Competition Prep Classes (free classes open to all – see below for details)
Please note that we also slightly revised our Friday schedule to better accommodate the ranks of our currently enrolled students. The new schedule for January will be as follows:
- 4:30-5:15 PM Kinder Karate
- 5:30-6:15 PM All Ages, White to Green Belts
- 6:30-7:15 PM All Ages, Blue-Provisional to Purple Belts
- 7:30-8:15 PM All Ages, Brown and Black Belts
Our new online dojo password for the month of January is [check your email!]
As always, let us know if you have any questions or suggestions — and stay safe! We wish you a very happy New Year!
All our best,
Sensei Jay and Sensei Denise
Message sent on December 28
Dear Students & Families,
We are so excited to start the New Year. We know we still have a long road ahead of us as everyone gets vaccinated, but we’re happy to have that path before us — and to be traveling it together with all of you! As we do, we will continue finding ways to train and commune together while following safety guidelines.
Here are some important date reminders to close out 2020 and enter into 2021!
- Friday, January 1st: Auto-Renew Payments will be processed
- CHANGE OF DATE! Saturday, January 2nd, 8:00 AM: Kangeiko Winter Training Event. There is no fee to attend this in-person cold-weather training event. Please see below for details and to register!
Please mark your calendars!
- Saturday, January 2nd: Kangeiko, 8:00am – See below for details.
- Monday, January 4th: Classes re-Zoom!
- Sunday, January 10th: Competition Prep Classes (free classes open to all – see below for details)
- Monday, January 18th: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day – No Classes
- Thursday, January 21st: Pop-up Sensei (6-7 PM) – See below for details.
- Sunday, January 24th: Competition Prep Classes (free classes open to all – see below for details)
We have slightly revised our Friday schedule to better accommodate the ranks of our currently enrolled students. The new schedule for January will be as follows:
- 4:30-5:15 PM Kinder Karate
- 5:30-6:15 PM All Ages, White to Green Belts
- 6:30-7:15 PM All Ages, Blue-Provisional to Purple Belts
- 7:30-8:15 PM All Ages, Brown and Black Belts
As always, let us know if you have any questions or suggestions — and stay safe! We wish you a very happy New Year!
All our best,
Sensei Jay and Sensei Denise
Message sent on December 21
Dear Students & Families,
On Sunday, ten students took a huge step in their karate journeys by testing for their next dan rank. We were blown away by their tenacity and spirit in the face of so many challenges. Please join us in congratulating Evan, Jakob, Sam, Christa, Gabriel, Raffi, Ryan, Lucas, Sensei Katie, and Sensei Rahmil!!! (And remember to read their reflective essays!).
As hard as this is to believe, we are about to close out 2020! It’s been a strange and difficult year in many ways. While the vaccine gives us a light at the end of the tunnel, we’re still going to be operating as an all-online dojo for some time to come. Still, we are proud to be a source of friendship, stress-relief, and community as we head into the new year.
We will be back in touch soon with our January plans. But for now, here’s how we’ll close out the year:
- Monday, Dec. 21 – Last day of regular classes of 2020!
- Tuesday, Dec. 22 – Sunday, Jan. 3 – Winter Break
- Wednesday, Dec. 23 – Kids Holiday Game Night (6-6:45 PM)
- Wednesday, Dec. 23 – Adult Holiday Get-Together (8-9:30 PM).
- Wednesday, Dec. 30 – Kangeiko! Special outdoor winter training event! Location: Oak Park. Additional details TBD.
As always, let us know if you have any questions or suggestions — and stay safe!
All our best,
Sensei Jay and Sensei Denise
Message sent on December 13
Dear Students & Families,
First, congratulations to all who tested yesterday! We had a great, energetic kyu exam, and we couldn’t be more proud of how hard all of these students have been working this year. Hard work always yields progress! Here are the results.
Second, we are THRILLED to be hosting the 2020 Black Belt Exams next Sunday, December 20th!! We invite all members of the dojo community, as well as your friends and family, to join us virtually to witness and celebrate this important moment in the lives of 10 of your classmates: Christa, Evan, Gabriel T., Jakob, Lucas, Sensei Katie, Raffi, Sensei Rahmil, Ryan, and Sam. All the details are below.
Finally, some date reminders to close out the year:
- Tuesday, Dec. 15 – Black Belt Prep Session. Training session for students preparing for the December Black Belt exam. 7-7:45pm.
- Thursday, Dec. 17 – Make-Up Kyu Exams.
- Sunday, Dec. 20 – Black Belt Exams & Ceremonies! We will host three exam sessions on the schedule noted below.
- Wednesday, Dec. 23 – Kids Holiday Game Night (6 PM).
- Wednesday, Dec. 23 – Adult Holiday Get-Together (8 PM).
- Wednesday, Dec. 23 – Saturday, Jan. 2 – Winter Break
- Wednesday, Dec. 30 – Kangeiko! Special outdoor winter training event! Location: Oak Park. Additional details TBD.
As always, let us know if you have any questions or suggestions — and stay safe!
All our best,
Sensei Jay and Sensei Denise
Message sent on December 6
Dear Students & Families,
Only 6 days until the kyu test and 13 days until the 2020 Black Belt Exams! This is going to be an exciting way to end December. Let’s all come together and keep the energy up-up-up in all our classes this month to keep all our testing students motivated!
Important deadlines and special activities this week:
- TODAY – Last chance to register for Kyu Exam. The kyu exams are this Saturday, Dec. 12. In order for us to plan the testing groups and prepare our judges, we need you to register by tonight. Everything you need to know is below.
- Tuesday, Dec. 8 – Black Belt Prep Session. Training session for students preparing for the December Black Belt exam. 7-7:45pm.
- Thursday, Dec. 10 – Additional Training Opportunities (all ranks, all ages). We’re holding two extra classes: 6-6:45pm for white through blue belts, and 7-7:45pm for purple belts and above.
- Saturday, Dec. 12 – Kyu Belt Exams. No regular classes will be held on this day. See below for details and eligibility! Log-in times will be announced soon.
As always, let us know if you have any questions or suggestions — and stay safe!
All our best,
Sensei Jay and Sensei Denise
Message sent on November 29
Dear Students & Families,
We were so touched by this surprise video featuring several of our students (sneakily put together by Sensei Katie), and we wanted to humbly share it with the rest of our community so you too can hear these beautiful expressions of gratitude.
It’s truly an honor and a joy to bring this community together. Thank you all for your support and trust in us as sensei. Thank you for all the ways you encourage and build each other up. Thank you for your friendship and love. We are so grateful for all of you!
December Schedule & PASSWORD
And now — what’s next? First, please note that our new password for the month of December starts NOW: [see your email]. Second, please remember to mark your calendars for special events happening in December.
- Sunday, Dec. 6 – Additional Training Opportunities (all ranks, all ages). We are scheduling a few extra classes this month to make sure everyone has plenty of opportunities to train before our Winter Break. This Sunday, we’re holding two classes: 10-10:45am for white through blue belts, and 11-11:45am for purple belts and above. Pre-register (not required)
- Tuesday, Dec. 8 – Black Belt Prep Session. Training session for students preparing for the December Black Belt exam. 7-7:45pm. Pre-register (not required)
- Thursday, Dec. 10 – Additional Training Opportunities (all ranks, all ages). We’re holding two extra classes: 6-6:45pm for white through blue belts, and 7-7:45pm for purple belts and above. Pre-register (not required)
- Saturday, Dec. 12 – Kyu Belt Exams. See below for details and eligibility! Registration deadline is Dec. 5.Log-in times will be announced soon.
- Thursday, Dec. 17 – Make-Up Kyu Exam.
- Saturday-Sunday, Dec. 19-20 – Enso’s 2020 Black Belt Exams. We’ll soon share details on how and when to tune in and support your fellow students! You’ll be able to watch the exams on Saturday, as well as a special ceremony on Sunday.
- Wednesday, Dec. 23 – Holiday Get-Togethers. We’re kicking off our Winter Break with some community gatherings. From 6-6:45pm, we’ll hold a kids-only game night. And at 8pm, we’ll have a little online happy hour for our adult students.
- Wednesday, Dec. 23 – Saturday, Jan. 2 – Winter Break. There will be no regular classes or 1:1 sessions during Winter Break.
- Wednesday, Dec. 30 – Kangeiko 2020! Kangeiko is a Japanese term meaning “cold training” or “winter training.” The purpose of this tradition is to go into the New Year with a high level of effort, renewed excitement and spirit, and a commitment to carry on for the rest of the year! We will host this event at Barrie Park in Oak Park. Additional details TBD.
As always, let us know if you have any questions or suggestions — and stay safe!
All our best,
Sensei Jay and Sensei Denise
Message sent on November 22
Dear Students & Families,
As we enter into a week of Thanksgiving during a year of so many challenges and so much uncertainty, we are thinking a lot about this dojo community — a community that has stuck together through so much this year. We have all had to give up a lot — the challenge of sparring each other, the excitement of tournaments, the locker room banter, and even our physical dojo space. But we have also gained a greater appreciation for all the things that haven’t changed this year — our dedication to growing our skills and cultivating a better self, and our life-long friendships and sense of community.
We’ve said it before, but we’ll say it again: We love being your sensei. It continues to be our honor and privilege to be part of your karate journey. And our family has been so blessed to have you in our lives.
And now — what’s next?
This Week’s Schedule
- Black Belt Prep Session: Tuesday, Nov. 24 – 7:00-7:45PM. Training session for students preparing for the December Black Belt exam.
- Thanksgiving Break: Wednesday-Sunday, Nov. 25-29. No karate classes or 1:1 sessions.
December Schedule
Mark your calendars now for special events happening in December!
- Black Belt Prep Session: Tuesday, Dec. 8 – 7:00-7:45PM. Training session for students preparing for the December Black Belt exam.
- Kyu Belt Exams: Saturday, Dec. 12 – 9:30AM – NOON. See below for details and eligibility! Log-in times will be announced.
- Make-Up Kyu Exam: Thursday, Dec. 17 – 6:00PM.
- Enso’s 2020 Black Belt Exams: Saturday-Sunday, Dec. 19-20. We’ll soon share details on how and when to tune in and support your fellow students! You’ll be able to watch the exams on Saturday, as well as a special ceremony on Sunday.
- Kids Holiday Game Night: Wednesday, Dec. 23, 6-6:45 PM.
- Adult Holiday Get-Together: Wednesday, Dec. 23, 8:00 PM.
- Winter Break: Wednesday, Dec. 23 – Friday, Jan. 1. There will be no classes or 1:1 sessions during Winter Break.
- Kangeiko! Wednesday, Dec. 30. Kangeiko is a Japanese term meaning “cold training” or “winter training.” The purpose of this tradition is to go into the New Year with a high level of effort, renewed excitement and spirit, and a commitment to carry on for the rest of the year!! We will host this event at Barrie Park in Oak Park. Additional details TBD.
Additionally, we are scheduling a few extra classes this month to make sure everyone has plenty of opportunities to train before our Winter Break. Please note this special schedule:
- Sunday, Dec. 6
- 10-10:45am White through blue belts, all ages
- 11-11:45am Purple belts and above, all ages
- Thursday, Dec. 10
- 6-6:45pm White through blue belts, all ages
- 7-7:45pm Purple belts and above, all ages
As always, let us know if you have any questions or suggestions — and stay safe!
All our best,
Sensei Jay and Sensei Denise
Message sent on November 15
Dear Students & Families,
We were so pleased to see students of all ranks and ages at last week’s kata clinic on Heian Yondan. The fact that we were able to review 45 minutes of details on this novice kata just goes to show that there’s always, always more to learn!
This Week’s Schedule
In addition to our regular class schedule, we have two special events this week. There are no extra fees to attend these events, but pre-registration is helpful for planning.
- GIRL POWER: Thursday, Nov. 19 – 6:00-6:30PM. Girls-only training event for girls age 12 and under. Pre-register.
- WOMEN’S TRAINING: Thursday, Nov. 19 – 6:30-7:30PM. Join Sensei Denise for this women’s-only training event! The first 30 minutes is open to all ranks, and the last 30 minutes is open to brown and black belts. Pre-register.
- CANCELED: OUTDOOR TRAINING: Saturday, Nov. 21. Our previously announced outdoor training session has been canceled due to the new COVID advisories issued by both the City of Chicago and Cook County recommending that we all stay home except for the most essential activities such as school, work, grocery shopping, and medical needs.
As always, let us know if you have any questions or suggestions — and stay safe!
All our best,
Sensei Jay and Sensei Denise
Message sent on November 8
Dear Students & Families,
We couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful day this past Saturday as some of us gathered for outdoor training in Oak Park. We felt the sunshine and a sense of hope and optimism around us, and we hope you are heading into your week feeling the same.
Welcome New Students!
We’d like to take a moment to welcome new students who have joined the dojo over the last few months. Whether you are brand new to karate or coming back after moving away or time off, we are so glad to have you with us!
Congratulations to Our Black Belt Candidates!
Yes, we’ve decided to host black belt exams before the year is up. We know you have a million questions — see below for ALL the details on who’s testing, how we’re doing it safely, and how you can be involved.
This Week’s Schedule
In addition to our regular class schedule, we have two special events this week. There are no extra fees to attend these events, but pre-registration is helpful for planning.
- Tuesday, Nov. 10 – 7:00-7:45PM – Black Belt Exam Prep. Special class for black belt candidates. Pre-register.
- Thursday, Nov. 12 – 6:00-6:45PM – Kata Clinic: Heian Yondan. Green belts and above. Pre-register.
As always, let us know if you have any questions or suggestions — and stay safe!
All our best,
Sensei Jay and Sensei Denise
jay@ensokarate.com denise@ensokarate.com
Message sent on November 1
Dear Students & Families,
As we anticipate an especially intense week ahead, we hope that, at least in some small way, karate will provide a source of stability and stress relief to help you through this time. Please see our schedule to take full advantage of our class offerings.
Also don’t forget this week’s special activities:
- Saturday, Nov. 7, 2-3:00PM: Outdoor training! This week, we’re meeting up in Oak Park (Barrie Park, at the corner of Lombard and Garfield). Please review our Outdoor Training Guidelines and be sure to pre-register. All ages and ranks are welcome!
- Sunday, Nov. 8, 2:00-3:00PM: Black Belt Kata Clinic. We spend a lot of time mastering the first four advanced kata (Bassai Dai, Jion, Kanku Dai, and Empi). This special only class is set aside for Black belts only to go over the details of even more advanced kata. There is no extra fee to attend this event. Pre-registration is not required, but helpful for planning. You can pre-register at this link.
Finally, as we do each month, we are changing the password for our Online Dojo. Check your email for the new password!
As always, let us know if you have any questions or suggestions. Stay safe and don’t forget to vote!
All our best,
Sensei Jay and Sensei Denise
Message sent on October 25
Dear Students & Families,
This Friday, Oct. 30th, is our SEVEN-MONTH anniversary as an Online Dojo. We can’t thank you enough for sticking with us on this weird, challenging journey. I’m sure none of us could have predicted a year ago that we’d be learning (or teaching) kata via Zoom, holding online belt exams, training together outdoors in the heat and cold, scheduling training around protests, or learning from Olympic and World-Champion athletes from around the country. Whew! There is no doubt this is a strong and amazing community that exemplifies the karate spirit.
Since we’re almost at November, we wanted to share our NEW schedule of November events — all of which are free!
- Saturday, Nov. 7 – 2-3:00PM – Outdoor training
- Sunday, Nov. 8 – 2:00-3:00PM – Kata Clinic: Black Belts only
- Tuesday, Nov. 10 – 7:00-7:45PM – Black Belt Exam Prep
- Thursday, Nov. 12 – 6:00-6:45PM – Kata Clinic: Heian Yondan (Green Belts and Up)
- Thursday, Nov. 19 – 6:00-6:30PM – Girl Power (Girls ages 6-12)
- Thursday, Nov. 19 – 6:30-7:30PM -Women’s Class (Ages 18+)
- Saturday, Nov. 21 – 2-3:00PM – Outdoor training
- Thursday, Nov. 24 – 7:00-7:45PM – Black Belt Exam Prep
- Wednesday-Sunday, Nov. 25-29 – Thanksgiving Break – No Classes
Also, please remember there are no classes this Halloween, Saturday, Oct. 31st. Have a safe and spooky day!
Tuition for November classes is due on November 1. Auto-renew payments are also processed on this date. If you need to make any changes (ex., changing number of classes or credit card, etc.), please contact us.
As always, let us know if you have any questions or suggestions. See you online or in person soon!
All our best,
Sensei Jay and Sensei Denise
Message sent October 18
Dear Students & Families,
Mahalo is an expression of gratitude used in Hawaii, and it captures how we felt about our fun and challenging cat-stance lessons from Sensei Maile Chinen — our most recent pop-up sensei who joined us from Honolulu.
This week, our season of special training events continues with:
- Thursday, Oct. 22, 6:00-6:30 PM = Girl Power, a training for girls ages 12 and younger.
- Thursday, Oct. 22, 6:30-7:30 PM = Women’s-Only Training for ages 18+
- Thursday, Oct. 22, 7:30-8:15 PM = Black Belt Examinee Training/Meeting
- Saturday, Oct. 24, 2:00-3:00 PM = Outdoor Training in Oak Park
More details are below. As always, let us know if you have any questions or suggestions. See you online or in person soon!
All our best,
Sensei Jay and Sensei Denise
Message sent October 11
Dear Students & Families,
As we continue into the fall season, we feel so much gratitude for the time we get to spend training with our dojo family whether online or outdoors. Especially when current events are so challenging, we hope you are taking time to take care of your physical and mental well-being. If karate can play a small role in helping us stay healthy, we are so happy for that!
Some schedule notes for this week:
- We ARE holding class on Monday, Oct. 12
- Tuesday, Oct. 13 is our next Pop-Up Sensei event featuring Sensei Maile Chinen, from Honolulu, Hawaii. All are welcome. See below for details.
As always, let us know if you have any questions or suggestions. See you online or in person soon!
All our best,
Sensei Jay and Sensei Denise
Message sent October 4
Dear Students & Families,
Thank you all for another strong week of training and fun together! Please remember to check out our October event schedule to mark your calendars for all the special stuff we have coming up! Here’s what you need to know for this week:
- This Saturday, Oct. 10, we’re training outdoors at Buckingham Foundation from 2-3pm. All ages and ranks are welcome! Sign-up.
- Next Tuesday, Oct. 13, is our next Pop-Up Sensei – see below for clues and sign-up!
As it’s a new month, we’re changing our Online Dojo password. Check your email for details.
As always, let us know if you have any questions or suggestions. See you online or in person soon!
All our best,
Sensei Jay and Sensei Denise
Message sent September 27
Dear Students & Families,
We hope that new fall routines are settling into place and that you are finding some moments of joy and calm during this pandemic and time of political unrest and systemic racial injustice.
This past week Sensei Denise led a Women’s Training class with a combination of physical training and reflection on ideas which are relevant to both karate and thriving in daily life, such as balance and strength. See the October schedule below for a special class just for girls, and more!
October special events schedule
- Thu, Oct. 1, 6:30-7:00pm, Info meeting re: karate tournament opportunity for all Enso students, the 2020 AAU Karate Virtual National Championships
- Sat., Oct. 3, Outdoor training for Brown/Black Belts at Barrie Park in Oak Park
- 2-3pm Youth (ages 17 and below) Brown/Black Belts
- 3-4pm Adult (ages 18+) Brown/Black Belts
- Sat. Oct. 10, 2-3pm – Outdoor training at Buckingham Fountain, all levels/ages
- Tue., Oct. 13, 6-7pm – Pop-Up Sensei – Clues to be announced soon!
- Thu., Oct 22
- 6-6:30pm – Girl Power: girls-only training event for girls 12 and under;
- 6:30-7:30pm – Women’s Training (ages 18+)
- 7:30-8:30pm – Black belt examinee training
- Sat. Oct. 24, 2-3pm – Outdoor training at Barrie Park in Oak Park, all levels/ages
- Sat. Oct. 31, Halloween – no classes
You can always find a simple list of our special events on our Schedule page, and more details on our Events page. Zoom links, 1:1 session sign-up, and links to video tutorials are on the Current Students webpage (see email for this month’s password).
As always, let us know if you have any questions or suggestions. See you online or in person soon!
All our best,
Sensei Jay and Sensei Denise
Message sent September 20
Dear Students & Families,
With many ways to participate in karate last week, we hope you enjoyed the chance to get active and energized. Our second Pop-Up Sensei event with Sensei J.C. Vasquez challenged us to practice form, power, and speed. We loved his positive vibe and belief that karate can help us become better people. Stay tuned for clues about our next Pop-up Sensei and more special opportunities coming up in October.
A note about schedule and zoom links! As many of you noticed, we have not been sending daily emails. We suggest you bookmark our Current Studentswebpage (see email for this month’s password). There you will find:
- the zoom link to join our regular classes. It is the same link every day.
- 1:1 session sign-up and zoom links for each sensei
- video tutorials – a link to our full library of videos
You can always find a simple list of our special events on our Schedule page, and more details on our Events page.
Rounding out our September schedule, we have two more special events to highlight for you this week:
- Thursday, September 24 – Women’s Training. Join Sensei Denise for a women’s-only training event! Women of all ranks are welcome to join the first half hour from 6:00pm to 6:30pm. Brown and black belts will continue until 7pm. We’ll use the regular class zoom link. Pre-registration is not required.
- Saturday, September 26th is our next Outdoor Training event. We’re planning to meet at Barrie Park in Oak Park for outdoor training between 2-3pm. This event is free, but since space is limited, please do register in advance. Details below.
- Belt Pick-up. If you still need to pick up your new belt and certificate, you may do so between 1:30 and 2pm at Barrie Park on Saturday. If this option doesn’t work for you, please email us at info@ensokarate.com to arrange another pick-up time.
As always, let us know if you have any questions or suggestions. See you online or in person soon!
All our best,
Sensei Jay and Sensei Denise
Message sent September 13
Dear Students & Families,
Congratulations to all who tested for their next rank on Saturday! We are very proud of your hard work and determination, and we’re happy to celebrate the great progress you’ve been making! Please see the exam results and details about belt pick-up below.
Our action-packed September schedule continues this week:
- Thursday, September 17th is our next Pop-Up Sensei event, and we’re revealing his identity below! The event will run from 6:00 PM-7:00 PM using our regular class link, but there is a $15 fee to attend, so please do register in advance. Please wear your gi and be on time to greet our special guest.
- Friday, September 18th is our make-up belt exam. If you were eligible to test last weekend but weren’t able to participate, you may register for our make-up exam by Thursday. The exam begins at 7:30 PM. Please be sure to review the exam guidelines and register.
- Saturday, September 19th is our next Outdoor Training event & BELT PICK-UP. We’re planning to meet back at Buckingham Fountain from 2-3:00 PM. This event is free, but since space is limited, please do register in advance. Please wear a uniform if you can. More details are below. Also, if you advanced to the next rank from the Sept. 12th exam, we’ll have your belts and certificates ready for pick-up at the outdoor event! If you can’t make that event, please just email us at info@ensokarate.com to arrange another pick-up time.
As always, let us know if you have any questions or suggestions. See you online or in person soon!
Message sent September 7
Dear Students & Families,
Hope everyone enjoyed the great weather over the Labor Day holiday break! We are excited to continue our action-packed September schedule. Here’s what you need to know for THIS WEEK:
- Tuesday, September 8th is our first Pop-Up Sensei event! The event will run from 6-7:00 PM using our regular class link, but there is a $15 fee to attend, so please do register in advance. Our amazing guest instructor, Sensei George Kotaka, will be joining us from Hawaii — see below for more details on his bio. Please wear your gi and be on time to greet our special guest.
- Saturday, September 12th is our next Online Kyu Belt Exam. If you’re planning to test, please register by Wednesday, September 9th. You must register any guests in advance. If you’re not testing, please note that there will be no regular classes on Saturday. For those testing, be sure to read our instructions on how to properly prepare for the online exam. We will send log-in times and Zoom info on Thursday.
As always, let us know if you have any questions or suggestions. See you online or in person soon!
All our best,
Sensei Jay and Sensei Denise
Message sent August 30
Dear Students & Families,
Happy September! To our new students and returning students, welcome! We are very excited to begin our action-packed September schedule. Here’s what you need to know for THIS WEEK:
- Tuesday begins our new schedule! Going forward, there are no regular classes on Tuesdays. This week, some 1:1s have been moved to Tuesday due to Thursday’s event.
- Wednesday’s adult class will focus on kumite. Starting this week, the 7:00 PM adult class will focus on kumite training.
- Thursday is a special Kata Clinic! Tune into our regular class zoom link for a special clinic focused on Heian Sandan. We are suggesting this clinic for those with the rank of orange belt or higher. If you don’t know the kata, this is a great way to learn it. If you think you already know the kata, think again — there are always details to perfect.
- Friday is our first Partners Class. Our new 6:30 PM Friday class will focus on partner drills, and we highly recommend it for households with more than one student.
- Saturday through Monday is the Labor Day Holiday. We won’t have any classes or 1:1 feedback sessions this weekend in honor of the holiday. Hope you squeeze in some last-minute summer fun!
Also, please remember that registration is now open for the following special events:
- Sept. 8th Pop-Up Sensei
- Sept. 12th Kyu Belt Exam
- Sept. 17th Pop-Up Sensei
As always, let us know if you have any questions or suggestions. See you online or in person soon!
All our best,
Sensei Jay and Sensei Denise<
Message sent August 23
Dear Students & Families,
We’re excited to close out August and begin our action-packed September schedule! Please see below for details and highlights, and be sure to mark your calendars so you don’t miss any of the fun.
- Pop-Ups! We will continue celebrating our community with fun training experiences for all, including our outdoor “pop-up dojos” as well as our online “pop-up sensei” guest instructors from around the world.
- Special Classes: We’re bringing kihon, kata, and kumite to your living rooms in new ways, including: partner classes, women-only training opportunities, “fight scene” events, and focused kata-specific classes.
- Live Virtual Tournaments: We are gearing up to hopefully offer an Enso-only dojo tournament some time this Fall, as well as an online Chicagoland Karate-do Challenge in late 2020 or early 2021.
To accommodate these new online training experiences, we have modified the schedule slightly. The new schedule is posted online, but for your convenience we’re highlighting some of the changes:
- Tuesdays and Thursdays: There will be no regular classes. We will operate on a special schedule to welcome guest instructors and host some of our special training opportunities.
- Wednesdays: The 7:00 PM class will now be an Adult Kumite Class.
- Fridays: The 6:30 PM class will now be a Partners Class instead of a Kumite Class. This class will focus on partner drills, such as checking basics, checking kata, team kata, step sparring, free sparring, and timing and target drills. We strongly encourage households with more than one student to participate. Of course, all students are welcome! If you don’t have another Enso student with you, you should come prepared with a good target.
- All Ages v. Family –– If you don’t see “Family Class” on the schedule, never fear! Our “All Ages Class” is the same thing; this is merely a language change to reflect the fact that youth and adults of all ages may train in these classes, even if they don’t have family members with them!
Specific event dates and registration details will be released on a rolling basis. Events with an * require pre-registration, and events with a $ require pre-registration as well as a small fee to cover expenses. So far, here’s what we have scheduled for September:
- Thursday, Sept. 3rd – Kata Clinic: Heian Sandan
- Saturday, Sept. 5th-Monday, Sept. 7th – Labor Day Holiday (no classes)
- Tuesday, Sept. 8th – Pop-Up Sensei $
- Saturday, Sept. 12th – Belt Exam $
- Thursday, Sept. 17th – Pop-Up Sensei $
- Friday, Sept. 18th – Make-up Belt Exam $
- Saturday, Sept. 19th – Outdoor Training Event* & Belt Pick-Up
- Tuesday, Sept. 22nd – Women’s Training
- Saturday, Sept. 26th – Outdoor Training Event $
Details are available on our Events page. As always, please let us know if you have any questions or feedback. We are looking forward to seeing you online or in person very soon!
All our best,
Sensei Jay and Sensei Denise
Message sent August 16
Dear students and families,
As promised, we’re releasing our new plans for our Fall schedule! These plans will go into effect on September 1st, and we expect them to be in place at least through the end of 2020. Our new class schedule and list of September activities are online, but we’re including the highlights here for your convenience.
- Pop-Ups! We will continue celebrating our community with fun training experiences for all, including our outdoor “pop-up dojos” as well as our online “pop-up sensei” guest instructors from around the world.
- Special Classes: We’re bringing kihon, kata, and kumite to your living rooms in new ways, including: partner classes, women-only training opportunities, “fight scene” events, and focused kata-specific classes.
- Live Virtual Tournaments: We are gearing up to hopefully offer an Enso-only dojo tournament some time this Fall, as well as an online Chicagoland Karate-do Challenge in late 2020 or early 2021.
To accommodate these new online training experiences, we have modified the schedule slightly. The new schedule is posted online, but for your convenience we’re highlighting some of the changes:
- Tuesdays and Thursdays: There will be no regular classes. We will operate on a special schedule to welcome guest instructors and host some of our special training opportunities.
- Wednesdays: The 7:00 PM class will now be an Adult Kumite Class.
- Fridays: The 6:30 PM class will now be a Partners Class instead of a Kumite Class. This class will focus on partner drills, such as checking basics, checking kata, team kata, step sparring, free sparring, and timing and target drills. We strongly encourage households with more than one student to participate. Of course, all students are welcome! If you don’t have another Enso student with you, you should come prepared with a good target.
- All Ages v. Family — If you don’t see “Family Class” on the schedule, never fear! Our “All Ages Class” is the same thing; this is merely a language change to reflect the fact that youth and adults of all ages may train in these classes, even if they don’t have family members with them!
Specific event dates and registration details will be released on a rolling basis. Events with an * require pre-registration, and events with a $ require pre-registration as well as a small fee to cover expenses. So far, here’s what we have scheduled for September:
- Thursday, Sept. 3rd – Kata Clinic: Heian Sandan
- Saturday, Sept. 5th-Monday, Sept. 7th – Labor Day Holiday (no classes)
- Tuesday, Sept. 8th – Pop-Up Sensei $
- Saturday, Sept. 12th – Belt Exam $
- Thursday, Sept. 17th – Pop-Up Sensei $
- Friday, Sept. 18th – Make-up Belt Exam $
- Saturday, Sept. 19th – Outdoor Training Event* & Belt Pick-Up
- Tuesday, Sept. 22nd – Women’s Training
- Saturday, Sept. 26th – Outdoor Training Event $
Details are available on our Events page. As always, please let us know if you have any questions or feedback. We are looking forward to seeing you online or in person very soon!
All our best,
Sensei Jay and Sensei Denise
Message sent August 9
Dear Students & Families,
We had such a great time at Saturday’s outdoor training! The spaced-out trees in that little nook near Buckingham Fountain really do provide an ideal outdoor training space — centrally located, shaded, and with natural individualized training areas to help students maintain their distance. We’re going to stay there for another week — please be sure to pre-register for this Saturday, August 15th. A link is available to current students in the Online Dojo.
We’re also in the midst of planning our Fall schedule. We’ll release all the juicy details next week, but here’s a preview of some things you can expect:
SPECIAL EVENTS: We will continue celebrating our community with fun training experiences for all, including:
- Pop-Up Dojos – Training outdoors in more environments and neighborhoods!
- Pop-Up Sensei – Guest instructors from across the nation and the world!
- Live Virtual Tournaments – Opportunities to compete online and in real time with friends from both Enso and other dojos!
SPECIAL CLASSES: We’re thinking of new ways to bring kihon, kata, and kumite to your living rooms, including:
- Kata Classes – One class, one kata, unlimited details!
- Partner Classes – Are you in a household of two or more karate students? We have a special class just for you, full of partner drills!
- Women Only – We’ll offer some women-only training opportunities for our ladies!
- Fight Scene – Choreograph, record, and edit a fight scene like you see in the movies. Join your Enso friends in this special class!
We are still putting the final details on our plans, and we may release these activities on a rolling basis. As always, please let us know if you have any questions or feedback. We are looking forward to seeing you online or in person very soon!
All our best,
Sensei Jay and Sensei Denise
Message sent August 2
Dear Students & Families,
It’s great to see students keeping up the karate training – way to go! We hope you are feeling strong and energized in every class. We have just a few reminders this week:
- July winner! The winner of our July at-home challenge prize — a new kicking pad — is HARSHIL!!
- August registration: If you’re not on auto-renew and you haven’t already done so, please register for your August training option.
- This Saturday: Please remember to pre-register and review the safety rules for our special outdoor training event taking place on Saturday.
- New password: Please see your email for the new online dojo password this month
As always, please let us know if you have any questions or feedback. We are looking forward to seeing you online or in person very soon!
Message sent July 26
Dear Students & Families,
We’ve officially made it through 4 months as an all-online dojo. What an accomplishment!
We’ve said it before, and we’ll continue to say it again and again — We are so impressed with the ways our students, parents, and instructors have adapted to this unique and historic situation. It is a privilege to be part of your journeys as karate-ka, and we hope we are a steady presence in your family’s life during an otherwise uncertain time.
This week is the last week of July, and the beginning of August. In August, here’s what we anticipate:
- We will continue providing online instruction, with very limited changes to our schedule
- We will continue to organize special outdoor training events at different locations throughout the city
- We will continue with our monthly fee structure
As always, please let us know if you have any questions or feedback. We are looking forward to seeing you online or in person very soon!
All our best,
Sensei Jay and Sensei Denise
Message sent July 19
This Saturday, about 25 Enso students gathered for our very first in-person training since March 12th — holy cow! It was a hot, humid, and sticky afternoon, but everyone trained really hard and enjoyed the wide open space. We almost forgot what it was like to do a whole kata with full stances without worrying about knocking over a lamp!
We had a lot of fun seeing each other in real life, and we felt safe doing it by wearing a mask and maintaining social distance. So much fun, in fact, that we’ve decided to host another outdoor training event this coming Saturday, July 25th, from 2:00-3:00 PM. Full details and pre-registration link are provided below.
Also, we know that “back to school” is an especially challenging time this year. Every school district, every family, every teacher, every student is facing a stressful start to what’s sure to be a strange school year. As educators and parents ourselves, we understand first-hand how overwhelming this all feels. You are all in our thoughts. We hope that Enso can continue to be a steady presence in your family’s life during these tumultuous times. We plan to continue providing online instruction for the foreseeable future, as well as to continue exploring safe ways to train in-person.
As always, please let us know if you have any questions or feedback. We are looking forward to seeing you online or in person on Saturday!
Message sent July 12
Message sent July 5
Dear Students & Families,
You’ve been waiting patiently, and now we’re excited to share Enso Karate’s Training Guidelines for In-Person Training During Phase 4 of Chicago’s COVID-19 Recovery.
As you know, Enso will remain an Online Dojo for the month of July. But we are also operating on special schedules for the three remaining Saturdays in July to offer limited in-person training for those who wish to participate:
- Saturday, July 11th — Dojo Training. In-person training at the Chicago dojo will be offered for a maximum of 10 students per class , and those classes will also be livestreamed via the usual Zoom link. Please note the three classes will run on a special schedule to allow us time to clean and disinfect between classes.
- Saturday, July 18th — Outdoor Training Event (2:00-3:00 PM). We will run our standard Saturday Zoom classes and then, in addition, host a special outdoor training event near Buckingham Fountain. More details to be announced next week. Mark your calendars!
- Saturday, July 25th — Dojo Training. Same schedule as July 11th, unless we announce otherwise.
We will open registration for the first dojo class on Wednesday. Before then, please take time to review Enso’s new guidelines carefully. They include information on our safety procedures, as well as on our special schedule, how to register online, and our expectations of students. We expect all students choosing to participate in our in-person trainings to acknowledge that they have and understood these guidelines, which are everyone’s responsibility to implement well.
Thank you for your patience as we experiment, learn, and make changes. We truly appreciate it. As always, please let us know if you have any questions or feedback.
All our best,
Sensei Jay and Sensei Denise
Message sent June 28
Dear Students & Families,
It’s hard to believe that July is almost here — and that we’ve spent nearly one-third of the year practicing social distancing to contain the spread of coronavirus. We are continually re-assessing how to live, work, and train safely in this ever-changing new environment.
This week, we spent a lot of time digging into the Phase 4 rules issued by the State of Illinois, the City of Chicago, and the Village of Oak Park. As you may know, Chicago has issued its own full version of the State’s rules with additional restrictions — for example, 25% capacity limits rather than 50% capacity limits for indoor training. There are also different rules for training indoors and outdoors (though both would require masks in Chicago). And there are variations on the guidelines for both gyms and youth sports. The process and requirements for reserving park space is also new, as many clubs and gyms are beginning to move their classes outdoors.
On top of all that are the wishes and considerations of our students; we greatly appreciate the thoughts and questions you all have shared with us. What we’re hearing now is that while we want to train together in the dojo, many people don’t yet feel comfortable doing so. And, more specifically, that training in a mask would be difficult for an activity that is so centered on breathing.
Taking all these factors into consideration, we have decided that Enso will remain primarily online for the month of July. However, we are continuing to develop plans to train safely at the dojo (with the option to participate via Zoom) on Saturday, July 11th and Saturday, July 25th.
On Saturday, July 18, in addition to Zoom classes (not in the dojo), we will hold an outdoor training as a special event in the afternoon. Like our annual beach trainings, this event will provide an opportunity to train together in a unique outdoor environment.
We will announce further details about these changes next week.
Thank you for your patience as we experiment, learn, and make changes. We truly appreciate it. As always, please let us know if you have any questions or feedback.
All our best,
Sensei Jay and Sensei Denise
Message sent June 21
Dear Students & Families,
Thank you for sharing so many sweet photos of the fathers in your lives. We miss seeing you in person, but training online has certainly allowed us to peek into each other’s homes and lives in new ways.
We know you may be wondering about our plans for training in July. Like you, we continue to follow the news about COVID-19 and the “Restore Illinois” plans and guidelines. We are currently in Phase 3, which does allow for some in-person, outdoor training. Governor Pritzker has indicated that as soon as this Friday we might move into Phase 4, which we think will allow for some in-person, indoor training. (Specific guidelines for Phase 4 have not yet been released.)
Enso will continue to take a cautious approach to re-opening. We know from our surveys that many of you are not interested in in-person training just yet, but we also know some of you are willing to give it a try within the state’s new guidelines — which include social distancing, limited class sizes, increased sanitation, and other measures to keep us safe.
Here’s our plan: In July, we will hold in-person trainings on three Saturdays (July 11, 18, and 25).
- If we are still in Phase 3, these classes will be held outdoors at locations TBA (2 times in Chicago and 1 time in Oak Park).
- If we move to Phase 4, these classes will be held indoors at the Chicago dojo.
- Online training will also continued to be offered on Saturdays. If we’re in Phase 4, we will live-stream the in-person class. If we’re in Phase 3, a different, concurrent class will be offered online.
- Specific class schedules and in-person training rules will be released soon. We will ask all participating students to commit to following the new guidelines.
- Tuition options and fees will remain the same for July.
This change is in some ways very small — We are only modifying our schedule for three total days in July, and we will remain a primarily Online Dojo for another month. But, in other ways, this change feels very significant. It will be the first time we’ve trained side-by-side in three months — and it feels a whole lot longer. This will be an experiment to test out our new procedures in a limited way so we can be ready for a potentially more robust re-opening in the future.
We ask for your continued patience as we study the state’s guidelines as they are released, and then develop and communicate our own procedures with all of you. We’ve said it many times, and we want to say it again: We are so impressed with your strong spirits and so humbled by your dedication to Enso and to karate. Thank you for your friendship and support!
All our best,
Sensei Jay and Sensei Denise
Message sent June 14
Dear Students & Families,
Thank you for joining us yesterday for our All-Dojo Spirit Training!! It was great to see the whole dojo come together and cheer each other on. Your spirits continue to inspire us every day.
As always: The training continues. Don’t forget that our next Kids-Only Meet-Up is tomorrow afternoon at 4:30 PM, and this week’s challenge is a Father’s Day Challenge!
We miss seeing you all in person so much. Until we can get back together again, we will see you online.
All our best,
Sensei Jay and Sensei Denise
Message sent June 7
Dear Students & Families,
Last week felt like a year. As we read the news, watched the protests, listened to friends, and reflected on our own lives and our own leadership both at the dojo and as educators, we felt heartache, despair, shame, rage, and sadness. We want the Black community to know that we stand with you. We believe Black Lives Matter.
This year, the bonds we’ve created at Enso and beyond have been more important than ever. Thank you for being amazing and being part of our dojo family.
We are looking forward to next Saturday, when the entire dojo will gather together for our All-Dojo Spirit Training in place of our regular 10:00 AM class. Later that afternoon, we’ll continue with our Belt & Certificate Pick-Up in the South Loop and Hyde Park. See below for all the details.
We miss seeing you all in person so much. Until we can get back together again, we will see you online.
All our best,
Sensei Jay and Sensei Denise
Message sent May 31
Dear Students & Families,
This weekend, our community experienced some great joys followed by some deep turmoil.
On Saturday morning, 48 of our students participated in Enso’s first-ever virtual belt exam. They demonstrated the highest standards of Enso — determination, strength, control, endurance, and spirit.
By Saturday evening, fires and looting were occurring in the neighborhoods where many of our students live. We are incredibly saddened that the actions of some individuals have directly impacted the safety and well-being of many in our community, and have overshadowed the purpose of the protests. We are heartened, though, to know that many people in the Enso community have been in touch with one another — to offer help, to offer love, to offer a spare room or a free ear. The bonds of this diverse community are strong, and we are thankful for each and every one of you. Stay safe.
We hope karate continues to provide you with a great source of stress relief and a positive community. If you haven’t already, please register for one of our new June offerings — Basic, Standard, or Unlimited — ASAP. The new schedule begins tomorrow.
Here’s what’s coming up this week:
- Monday: Karate Olympian Sakura Kokumai joins Enso. Tomorrow from 5:45-6:15 PM, we will have an Olympian with us on Zoom! See your email for details, including a modified schedule.
- Thursday: Two New Class Options.
- Family Karate for New Beginner Students (ages 6 and up). 5:00-5:45pm. We’ve added a new family class just for students who are brand new to karate. If you know any friends who may be interested, please send them our way!
- Black Belt Teens – Kata and Kumite. 6:00-6:45pm. We have also added an advanced kata and kumite class taught by Sensei Elaine, Sensei Toby, and Sensei AJ. This class is just for our teens.
- Friday: Happy Hour + TRIVIA! (21+). Be prepared for 7 rounds of pop culture trivia about the 2000s!!
- Saturday: Belt & Certificate pick-up. We have pick-up locations in Oak Park, Hyde Park, and South Loop – see email for details.
We miss seeing you all in person so much. Until we can get back together again, we will see you online.
All our best,
Sensei Jay and Sensei Denise
Message sent May 25
A very happy graduation wish to all our students who are celebrating the completion of grad school, college, high school, 8th grade, or any other major educational milestone! You probably weren’t able to celebrate in all the ways you imagined you would, but this spring will certainly be unforgettable. Your hard work will still lead you to a bright future. Congrats!
We have three big reminders as we close out May:
- This is a truncated week. There are no classes today in honor of the Memorial Day holiday. There are also no classes on Saturday, when we will be holding belt exams. Be sure to train hard Tuesday through Friday!
- Belt Exams are Saturday. Thank you to everyone who registered. Please see your scheduled timeslot, and be sure to review our checklist for what to expect and how to prepare.
- June registrations are due by May 29th, and we need everyone to take action. Because we’re moving to a monthly schedule, we need everyone to take action if they wish to continue training. We’re happy to answer questions about our new monthly training options.
Enso Karate is hosting many social events in June – a list is included below and always available on our Events page as well.
We miss seeing you all in person so much. Until we can get back together again, we will see you online!
All our best,
Sensei Jay and Sensei Denise
Message sent May 17
It’s hard to believe it’s our eighth week as an Online Dojo. You’ve all been awesome! We have three big reminders as we close out May – with details below.
- Memorial Day Holiday Break is this weekend! There will be no classes Friday, May 21st – Monday, May 25th. Hope you enjoy some sunshine!
- Belt Exams are very soon! Registration deadline is Saturday, May 23rd, and the actual exam is Saturday, May 30th. Please review our checklist for what to expect and how to prepare.
- June registrations are due by May 29th, and we need everyone to take action. Because we’re moving to a monthly schedule, we need everyone to take action if they wish to continue training. We’re happy to answer questions about our new monthly training options.
Enso Karate is hosting many social events in May and June – a list is included below and always available on our Events page as well.
We miss seeing you all in person so much. Until we can get back together again, we will see you online!
All our best,
Sensei Jay and Sensei Denise
Message sent May 10
Happy Mother’s Day! To all the moms who train, moms who teach, and moms who support — We appreciate you all!!!
Now let’s dive right in. Today’s topic: Getting ready for karate training in June.
- This Week: This is Week #7 as an all-online dojo. We continue to be impressed by how hard everyone is working and humbled by your support. See our Online Dojo for our weekly challenge and schedule.
- This Month: Our May schedule includes a Kids Only Meet-up with a Lego theme (May 18th), our Memorial Day holiday break (May 22-25), and our groundbreaking Online Belt Exam (May 30th). See our Events page for all the details.
- Next Month: In place of our normal 12-week “summer session,” we are moving to a monthly plan that will give us flexibility to adapt our schedule as needed. Please see all the details.
We can’t thank you enough for continuing to share your feedback with us. The survey submissions, emails, and Facebook messages have been both helpful and heartwarming. Together, we look ahead to brighter days!
See you online!
All our best,
Sensei Jay and Sensei Denise
Message sent May 3
- Friday, May 8, 7:45pm – ’90s-Themed Virtual Happy Hour for Adult Students
- Monday, May 18, 4:30pm – Kids-Only Virtual Meet-up – It’s Lego time!
- Friday-Monday, May 22-25 – Memorial Day Holiday (no classes)
- Saturday, May 30 – Online Kyu Belt Exam (details coming soon)
- “We really appreciate your efforts to make sure people’s karate is not affected during this pandemic time. We appreciate that you are doing whatever you can using the tools and technology available to make sure the learning doesn’t stop. We especially love the 1-on-1 sessions; they are very useful.”
- “Thank you so much for putting in all this work to continue teaching. It’s great to still have contact with all the senseis and dojo members, and the stress relief factor is greatly appreciated. I like the focus on things you can do in smaller spaces and find it useful to work on details that we may not pay enough attention to during regular classes.”
- “These virtual classes are most helpful — not only to keep us in good karate shape, but also to maintain the Enso community in this unprecedented and most challenging circumstances. Once again, you have shown that your commitment and professionalism are really off-the-chart!”
Message sent April 26

Message sent April 19
- Monday @ 4:30 PM is our Kids-Only Meet-Up
- Friday @ 4:30 PM is the deadline for AAU’s Virtual Tournament
- Friday @ 7:30 PM is our ’80s-Themed Happy Hour (21+)
- Throughout the week is our “Thank You Challenge”!
Message sent April 12
We are two weeks into our All-Virtual Dojo experience, and we’re so proud of the great energy we’re seeing on screen! From kinder karate to our adult students, everyone is showing up and working hard. Keep it up!!
We also had a lot of fun at this week’s meet-ups and really enjoyed seeing your at-home fitness routines as part of our first at-home challenge (winner: Daniel!). We also learned from our survey that managing stress and building mental discipline are just as important as making progress in karate right now. Please see our Online Dojo for ways to continue participating!
All our best,
Sensei Jay and Sensei Denise
Message sent April 5
We made it through Week 1 as an all-virtual dojo!!
We are so impressed (but not at all surprised) by the strong spirit of our students and families. Even though this isn’t what we’re used to, students are showing up and working hard, instructors are volunteering to make videos and provide personalized feedback, and parents are re-arranging living rooms and troubleshooting technology to make it all happen. From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you all for your dedication to karate and to Enso.
Another big thank you goes out to everyone in our community who is working to keep people safe and healthy right now. We know we have students, as well as parents and partners of students, who are out there working as doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals, as well as drivers, cooks, and other essential parts of our world. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
In Week 2 of our Online Dojo experience, we’re hosting four meet-ups for parts of our community — kids, adults, Enso Elite team members, and the 2020 black belt candidates. We’ll continue to send daily reminders of our schedule as we continue to adapt to this new way of training and communing together. It’s also included again below for your reference.
And, of course, all our Online Dojo information lives permanently at www.ensokarate.com/onlinedojo (check your email for the password) — bookmark it!
All our best,
Sensei Jay and Sensei Denise
Message sent March 29
Dear Enso Karate Community,
Thank you so much for all the kind and encouraging feedback you’ve sent our way over the last two weeks. As we’ve seen the extreme and heartbreaking situation unfold in our city and our world, we are grateful we are able to “work from home” and do our part to help reduce the spread of the coronavirus. We are especially thinking about many of the people in our community who continue to provide essential services.
During this time, we have been strategizing the steps we need to take as a small business, working on turning our small living room into a home dojo, managing our other professional responsibilities as physical education teacher (Sensei Jay) and professor (Sensei Denise), and figuring out how to manage home life and school with our children. These times are stressful, but we have hope and faith that we will get through this.
Now that we are officially back from Enso’s “Spring Break,” we want to extend a special welcome to you as we step back into karate training together. As planned, we are launching new online offerings for our current karate students starting Monday, March 30. While we would much prefer to see you all in the dojo in real life, we are excited for new ways to train and socialize with you online.
How long will the Online Dojo last? Uncertainty is challenging. But with so many state and city closure dates changing all the time, we are operating under the premise “until further notice.” Like you, we’re following the news and will continue to follow official guidance from the City of Chicago and State of Illinois.
Transitioning to an all-online dojo experience will continue to take some trial-and-error, and we are so grateful for everyone working behind-the-scenes to make it happen. Thanks to all of our students and families for their patience as we figure it out.
Karate is the thing that binds us together, and karate is all about having a fighting spirit, compassion for others, and the strength and discipline to improve ourselves and the world around us. We are so thankful for all of you and our awesome Enso Karate community — not even a pandemic can break our spirit!
All our best,
Sensei Jay and Sensei Denise
P.S. As we roll out our new online experience, please do reach out with your feedback and suggestions! We would love to hear from you.
Message sent March 16, 3:00pm
Dear Enso Karate Community,
The coronavirus has quickly disrupted our daily lives, creating uncertainty and deep concern. The health and well-being of our communities is most important, which is why we have made the decision to suspend our regular classes at least until March 29 (as announced previously).
Our instructors have been working hard to find ways to maintain karate training and keep our community connected. Please read the email sent to all current students to learn about our planned offerings and what you can expect from Enso Karate this week.
As we face this crisis, we as a dojo have so many strengths to get us through. We have an amazing community of students and families, outstanding instructors, and lots of technology and creative ideas! We know that online training is not like being at the dojo, but we hope some new ways to participate will help keep your karate training going and provide some ways to interact with your fellow karateka.
During this very trying time, small businesses like Enso will struggle to stay afloat. We understand that you, too, might be under financial strain at this time. But we ask, if you can, please continue your tuition. The future of the Enso community depends on it.
We truly miss seeing our Enso family at the dojo. Please try our online offerings and let us know what you think. We’d love to hear from you. Take care and be safe.
All our best,
Sensei Jay and Sensei Denise
PS: Our first 11 videos have already been released on our new Online Dojo (password sent via email to current students)! And, for our adult students, we’re hosting a Virtual Happy Hour on March 17th at 7pm!
Message sent March 12, 2:30pm
Dear Enso Karate Community,
Information surrounding COVID-19 is changing very quickly. Since we sent our original message last night, we’ve seen some compelling evidence that it’s important for everyone to stay home — starting now.
And so it is with a deep sense of disappointment — but also with an empowering sense of certainty — that we cancel all training at both the Chicago and Oak Park dojos, beginning immediately.
For now, we are canceling classes through the end of our Spring Break, which was previously scheduled through March 29. We’ll be in touch regarding whether the dojo will open on March 30 or remain closed longer.
We are already brainstorming creative ways to stay engaged with you and your child as we hunker down over the next few weeks. Please stay tuned as we take a moment to more fully consider options and opportunities available to us.
Stay safe!
Sensei Jay and Sensei Denise Nacu
Message sent March 11, 10pm
Dear Enso Karate Community,
In the face of school closures, event cancellations, and other interruptions to our daily lives due to COVID-19, we would like to share how we are responding at Enso. Here we describe several specific actions our dojo will follow to play our role in reducing the chance of spreading the virus.
- Hand washing. We will ask all students and guests to wash their hands when they arrive and before they leave the dojo.
- “No handshake” rule. We will refrain from handshakes, hugs, and high fives for now. Of course, bowing is absolutely ok!
- Class activities. We will modify our training to significantly reduce the need to come into prolonged contact with each other. For example, rather than correcting techniques by touching each other, we will instruct students to provide verbal feedback.
Of course, we reiterate the CDC recommendations to wash your hands, avoid touching your eyes and mouth, and stay home if you’re feeling sick.
During this uncertain time, it’s important to keep up your self-care routine — including exercising and spending time with friends. That’s one of the reasons why, at this time, we plan to hold all classes in the Chicago and Oak Park locations as scheduled. (Please be reminded that Enso has a Spring Break scheduled for March 23-29.)
We will of course monitor the situation as it develops and follow the advice of public health officials. If our plans change, we will update our community by email and post on our website.
Like a lot of you, we are concerned. But there’s a lot we can do — individually and as a community — to reduce the spread and support one another. That’s what this message is all about.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us (info@ensokarate.com).
Sensei Jay and Sensei Denise Nacu