
2020 Black Belt Exams Announced!

Our annual Black Belt Exam is a very special day for our community. It’s a day when students are asked to demonstrate their technique, endurance, and mental fortitude in front of a panel of sensei — as well as their karate peers and their friends and family.
Beyond the physical exam, of course, is the development of character and values that we hold as karate-ka — which students will be asked to reflect on through essays and conversations with their sensei. Each black belt candidate has faced obstacles, gained perspectives, and developed values — all of which will help them through this important step in their journey.
Everyone at our dojo can be part of this process! You’re all welcome and encouraged to attend these open events to support your dojo-mates:
Friday, March 13, 2020 – 7 PM
The Practice Exam simulates the physical part of the Black Belt Exam. The purpose of this step is to give students the opportunity to not only experience a full-length exam, but also to receive feedback from a panel of senseis. This feedback will likely include a list of items that the candidates must work to improve before the next step.
Friday, May 29, 2020 – 7 PM
The Qualification Exam includes another simulated exam experience. At this stage, we will determine who is ready to proceed with the testing process in 2020. A large part of our criteria will be based on how much the student has improved since the initial Practice Exam. It’s possible that not every eligible candidate will qualify for the Final Exam on July 25.
Saturday, July 25, 2020
  • Morning: Special Seminars with Guest Sensei – Open to All! (More Details TBA)
  • Afternoon: The Exam
  • Evening: Celebration Dinner – Open to All! (More Details TBA)

We created this multi-step exam process not only for the sensei to assess the black belt candidates, but also for those students to assess their own readiness. Some students use the Practice Exam and/or Qualification Exam to help them decide whether they feel ready, and it is not uncommon for some students to decide to wait another year before testing. Enso’s instructors and leaders support students through the entire process.

More details will be announced closer to July 25.

2019 Black Belt Exams scheduled for July 20th

Our annual Black Belt Exam is a very special day for our community. It’s a day when students are asked to demonstrate their technique, endurance, and mental fortitude in front of a panel of sensei — as well as their karate peers and their friends and family.

Beyond the physical exam, of course, is the development of character and values that we hold as karate-ka — which students will be asked to reflect on through essays and conversations with their sensei. Each black belt candidate has faced obstacles, gained perspectives, and developed values — all of which will help them through this important step in their journey.

Everyone at our dojo can be part of this process! You’re all welcome and encouraged to attend these open events to support your dojo-mates:

Friday, March 15, 7 PM

Friday, May 31, 7 PM

Saturday, July 20
Morning: Special Seminars
Afternoon: The Exam
Evening: Celebration Dinner

More details will be announced closer to July 20. In the meantime, if you’re curious about what our exam requirements are, you can review the Enso Handbook at any time!