2017 Chicagoland Karate-do Challenge: Tournament & Seminars Announced

The Chicagoland Karate-Do Challenge is an invitational karate tournament which will take place on Sunday, March 26, 2017.

Athletes can compete in kihon (beginners only), kata, kumite, team kata, family team kata, and team kumite. With your support, we will be able to host a successful event with a high level of competition offering athletes the chance to test their skills, forge new friendships, and make new connections.

Registration information can be found here. We hope to see you in March!

Linda Donner
Jay Nacu
Denise Nacu
Tournament Hosts and Organizers

This tournament is hosted and organized by Nisei Dojo and Enso Karate, and licensed by AAU USA. 

Gain Confidence, Reduce Fear: Women’s Self-Defense Workshop – April 11, 2015

Enso will host a self-defense workshop

is necessary. Instructor Linda Donner is a 6th degree black belt in Shotokan Karate and is certified in Krav Maga, the Israeli system of military self-defense. In this workshop, she will cover:

  • Basic awareness
  • Effects of fear and ways to handle fear
  • Personal safety tips
  • Situational role plays
  • Physical drills practice
  • Simple footwork
  • Blocking & strikes
  • Grabs, holds & choke defenses

Join us! Register today and encourage a friend to attend this workshop with you! Don’t miss this opportunity to practice simple, effective verbal and physical skills for self-defense.

Date & Time

April 11, 2015; 10:30 am – 1:30 pm


Enso 412 S. Wells Street, 7th Floor Chicago, IL 60605


Fees & Registration



Comfortable clothing, such as t-shirt and sweatpants. Clean, indoor gym shoes.


Workshop Instructor

Linda Donner, 6th Degree Black Belt in Shotokan Karate. Certified in Krav Maga (Israeli system of military self-defense)

Sensei Iain Abernethy Karate Seminars May 1-3, 2015

Enso is excited to welcome Sensei Iain Abernethy, who will join us all the way from the United Kingdom for a full weekend of karate training focusing on practical, kata-based applications from May 1 to 3, 2015. This will be his 3rd visit to Enso, and as in years past, we expect participants from all over the United States, as well as the local Chicago area to attend. All are welcome!


May 1-3, 2015



Enso 412 S. Wells Street, 7th Floor Chicago, IL 60605



Friday, May 1, 2015. 6 – 8 pm

  • Foundational Bunkai

Saturday, May 2, 2015. 9 am – 5 pm & Sunday, May 3, 2013. 9 am – 1 pm

  • Historical Development/Background of Kata
  • The 4 stage Approach to Kata
  • How to Analyze the Movements of Kata
  • The Nature of Live Conflict
  • How to Create Effective Bunkai Drills
  • Karate Grappling (throws, locks, chokes, strangles, groundwork)
  • Kata Applications (Heian/Pinan series, Tekki/Naihanchi, Kushanku/Kanku-Dai, Passai/Bassai-Dai,Gankaku/Chinto, others as time allows)
  • Kata-Based-Sparring (live bunkai drills)


Fees & Registration

Pay online through our online store or mail a check payable to “Enso” to 412 S. Wells Street, 7th Floor, Chicago, IL 60607.




Open to adults 7th kyu and above, and teens 3rd kyu and above.




Any questions about this seminar can be directed to info@ensokarate.com.


Host Dojo

Founded in 2002, Enso has grown into a leading shotokan karate dojo in the Midwest, offering a full program of classes, competition, and private instruction for adults and youth. Located in the vibrant heart of downtown Chicago, the Enso dojo offers a spacious training facility and convenient transportation options.


abernethyAbout Iain Abernethy

Iain Abernethy has been involved in the martial arts since childhood. Abernethy holds the rank of 6th Dan with the British Combat Association (one of the world’s leading groups for close-quarter combat, self- protection and practical martial arts) and 5th Dan with the British Karate Association. Abernethy is in great demand on the seminar circuit and he teaches many seminars on his approach to practical karate both in the UK and overseas. The bunkai that Abernethy teaches are not prearranged karateka vs. karateka applications; nor are they static, complex, elaborate or reliant upon finite movement. Abernethy’s approach to karate makes kata application practical, simple, direct and accessible to all. Abernethy regularly writes for the UK’s leading martial arts magazines and he is a member of the Combat Hall of Fame. Abernethy’s books and DVDs have sold worldwide and his highly pragmatic approach to kata applications (bunkai) has proved to be very popular with those who wish to practice karate as an effective self-protection system.

Find Sensei Iain Abernethy on Facebook.

Another outstanding karate weekend at Enso with Sensei Iain Abernethy, plus an interview with the Sensei!

On May 2 – 4, UK- based Sensei Iain Abernethy returned to Enso Martial Arts to lead another outstanding weekend seminar on kata applications.  As a bonus, Sensei Abernethy sat down for a wide ranging video interview sharing fascinating information on his background and teaching.

Karate kata – extracting practical applications

For readers not familiar with karate, a kata is a series of martial techniques performed in a prescribed manner.  Kata form the core of traditional karate practice, created by masters in Okinawa and Japan to pass down combative principles, techniques, and applications to students.  A main focus of Iain’s teachings, including his 4 karate books, many articles, and extensive instructional DVD collection, is analyzing kata to extract the close-in, practical self-protection techniques contained in kata.  From this perspective, karate as a self-protection system is much more than striking and kicking, it incorporates a panoply of combat techniques including grappling throws, joint locks, neck cranks, chokes, strangles, and more.  For more on Iain’s teachings, check out www.iainabernethy.com.

iain a teaching 050314

Sensei Iain Abernethy at Enso.

A deep dive with kata flow drills

During his weekend at Enso, Sensei Abernethy led us on a deep dive into three core kata in the Shotokan repertoire – Kanku-Dai, Tekki Shodan, and Heian Godan.  For each kata, attendees learned “flow drills,” exercises with a partner that involve a flowing sequence of applications that follow the order of the kata.  Iain’s flow drills provide an efficient and engaging means to practice techniques, applications, and underlying combative principles.  By all accounts, it was a rich training experience, with attendees commenting on how their understanding and skills had grown appreciably during the weekend.


Still smiling after a full Saturday of training.

An Interview with Iain Abernethy

As a bonus, Sensei Abernethy agreed to answer a few questions.  During the interview, Iain covered a range of topics, including

  • His transition to full-time, professional martial artist
  • His four karate books, and his book Mental Strength, a treatise on personal growth and change
  • Why he focuses on the practical application of karate
  • Some common combative principles across martial arts
  • Training considerations for older martial artists

Lots of good information.  Click the image below to link to the interview on YouTube.

Thanks again to Sensei Abernethy from Enso for a great karate weekend!

Chris Cinnamon
Enso Martial Arts
Tai Chi and Qigong Instructor
Energy Arts Certified