Attention: Enso Karate Students
Enso is excited to announce that we are co-organizing an AAU-licensed invitational tournament with Nisei Dojo, the 2016 Chicagoland Karate-Do Challenge.
All the event details and registration links are below, but we wanted to add a personal note to encourage all of our students — all ages, all ranks, regardless of previous competition experience — to consider attending this special event. By joining us for the seminars and/or tournament, you will be supporting Enso, gaining valuable competition experience, and perhaps trying something new to challenge your growth as a karate-ka. We hope to see you there!
DATE: Sunday, February 28, 2016
TIME: Competition begins at 9:00am.
Approximate staging times will be announced the week of the event.
PLACE: Mozart Park District Building, 2036 N. Avers Ave., Chicago, IL 60647
ENTRY FEE: $25 for individual events, $60 for team events
EVENTS: Kihon (Beginners only), Kata, Kumite, Team Kata, Team Kumite
AGE: Youth and adults ages 5 and up are welcome to compete!
DIVISIONS: We will be using AAU’s four ranking divisions, which wear only four belt colors (white, green, brown or black). AAU places athletes into these divisions based on the number of years they have trained, rather than by the rank they have earned. To make it easier for our students who haven’t competed previously, here is how the divisions break down by both years trained and rank earned:
Beginner (wears White Belt):
Training for less than 1 year
Earned rank of 10th-7th kyu (white, yellow, orange and green belts)
Novice (wears Green Belt):
Training for 1-2 years
Earned rank of 6th-4th kyu (blue and purple belts)
Intermediate (wears Brown Belt):
Training for 2-4 years
Earned rank of 3rd-1st kyu (brown belts)
Advanced (Black Belt):
Training for 4+ years
Earned rank of 1st dan and up (black belts)
If you have any questions about which division you should register for, please ask Sensei Jay.
We will have some belts to borrow at the tournament if you don’t have your white or green belt, or if it doesn’t fit anymore.
AAU MEMBERSHIP FEE: In order to compete at this AAU-sanctioned event, AAU requires all athletes to purchase an annual AAU membership. The cost of the membership is $16 for youth (ages 17 and below), and $29 for adults (18 and above); the annual membership would expire on August 31, 2016. To help out our students at Enso, we will waive the AAU membership fee if the athlete registers for at least two individual events. If not, then the athlete will be responsible for the AAU membership fee.