Enso Elite Karate Team Wraps Up Its 2014-15 Season

For any sport, a national championship is the time and place to test one’s abilities and aim for success among top athletes from across the country. Our karate team has attended tournaments throughout the season, both local and regional, and have trained multiple hours to prepare mentally and physically for the high level of competition at Nationals.
This year, we sent a total of 33 athletes to Raleigh, North Carolina for the 2015 AAU Karate National Championship. As expected, our athletes faced large divisions with other athletes who share the same drive and passion for the art. From June 30th to July 4th, our team of athletes, coaches, and officials worked hard and represented the dojo well. All in all, we took home 39 medals (10 gold, 14 silver, and 15 bronze)! Congratulations to all participants of the AAU Karate National Championships!

But our season didn’t end there! The 2015 AAU Karate Junior Olympics was held in Chesapeake, Virginia. We sent a smaller team of 9 athletes to participate in this event and took home 16 medals (5 gold, 3 silver, and 8 bronze). The Junior Olympics has been a great place for our students to face tough competition at a smaller scale than Nationals.

Our weekend concluded with our students who took part in the team trials for the AAU Karate Junior and Senior Team. A great showing from all! Letters with results will be sent out in the next few weeks.

As the season comes to a close, we often like to reflect not on how many medals we’ve earned throughout the year, but other awards and lessons that have a more lasting effect: discipline, hard work, resilience, appreciation, confidence, friendship, and respect. The greatest outcome to see from our team is the continuous passion for karate and the improvement of character in and outside of the dojo.

We’d like to thank our sensei who have been encouraging and motivating role models and coaches throughout the year. And of course, a big, big thank you to the parents of our athletes who have always looked out for all of us! None of this would be possible without all of you!

Congratulations on a successful season for our 2014-2015 Enso Elite Karate Team! For more information about our tournament team, see here. Some pictures and videos can also be seen on Instagram and Facebook. An informational meeting for parents interested in the 2015-2016 team will be scheduled in early fall.
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Enso Guest Blog: Using the Mind in Karate

By Dr. E. Cruz Eusebio, 2nd Kyu

Karate GiThe very essence of karate and, perhaps the main purpose of training, is to improve oneself. Gichin Funakoshi, founder of Shotokan karate, stressed that practitioners must strive to seek perfection of character. In doing so, it is essential to obtain a clear, focused mind in pursuit of a mental and physical state that is harnessed for perfection. When learning karate, particularly as it involves both physical and mental tasks, one must first start with the mindset of discipline. Attending to the work of the mind may not come naturally at first, but with discipline and practice, it can be utilized both in and out of the dojo.

When training, it is useful for a practitioner to continually reset their mind by clearing it from any past or future thoughts. With practice, tuning into a present awareness will become natural. Setting and being mindful of one’s goals is also fundamental to success. Not adhering to your goals is much like riding a bicycle in tiny circles to get to your destination. When away from the dojo, practitioners are encouraged to apply the mental aspects of karate to their own personal challenges in life. In this way, mental training occurs seamlessly with the physical demands of karate as it permeates all areas of one’s life.

Mind-body connections also aid in the progression of building muscle memory in addition to learning sensory motor movements essential to karate. It takes both the mind and body to develop a strong and present awareness in order to optimally enhance the structured sequence of movements in karate called kata. Of course, it is also essential to obtain good teachers to model these movements, provide feedback, and help the student reach their goals. The mind, at a fundamental level, adds to the vigor and spirit of each movement that the body is directed to perform. Anyone, with enough practice, can go through the motions, but it’s through these mental connections that one can become the greatest among the great.

Occasionally, a martial artist may arrive at a plateau in training where they feel they aren’t gaining or excelling or they are faced with greater challenges or even an injury. Our minds are powerful and can lead us to believe we are stuck when, in fact, the very act of attending a class or performing visualization is beneficial to the practitioner. One can envision and practice the various forms in karate while paying attention to their breathing without physically performing them. This is why it is essential to tap into a focused mindset. It helps you to use the strength of the mind to breakthrough and identify any potential barriers. One way this can be accomplished is by resetting the mind, thereby clearing any exterior distractions, past and present, in an effort to obtain a blank slate or tabula rasa, thereby forgiving the self of any extraneous events of the day. Another method is to simply check in with oneself, asking “Where am I with my kata, stances, or flow?” followed by “Where do I want to go with my kata, stances, or flow.” Then, visualize the steps and envision accomplishing them in progression and with success. The idea is to reset the mind continually throughout your training in an effort to optimize learning the skills without distraction, thereby gaining a thorough and new perspective of the areas in which to work.

With mindfulness, karate-kas can complete tasks that involve mental acuity with more fervor. It helps in a way that focus and concentration cannot by themselves. The reason is that mindfulness works a step further, utilizing both the unconscious and conscious minds. Using the unconscious mind is a bit like adding water to a reservoir one drop at a time to fill the cup when it’s most needed. Mindfulness attends to present moments,
particularly when the goal is to remain focused with optimal attention to learning forms and detail. Renowned mindfulness expert Jon Kabat-Zinn speaks to it as “paying attention on purpose, in the present moment, without judgment.” In training, it comes down to looking inward to explore the mental strength to perform the physical movements while focusing on areas to improve. It is not about criticizing, but rather finding ways to grow. The methods utilized may vary from sitting silently in zazen while aware of one’s breathing to practicing walking meditation or silent meditation on a daily basis. The idea is to practice using the mind regularly in and out of the dojo with as much frequency and integrity as you practice using your body. Ultimately, the hope is that when the mind and body are in tune, one can achieve optimal states of mental and physical awareness in order to demonstrate their own perfection of character and love for karate.


Dr. E. Cruz Eusebio is a 2nd Kyu student in Shotokan Karate at Enso. He is an assistant professor of psychology at The Chicago School of Professional Psychology where he serves as director of the Center for Optimal Performance in Education. He has published, presented, and been interviewed by the media on various topics of child and adolescent psychology, education, technology, and neuroscience. His current focus is on the correlation between mind-body mechanics, optimal experience, and a practice he calls proflection, the art of manifesting positive change.


Guest Blog: Pondering Links to Sensei Funakoshi’s Time

Guest Blog By Katie Coleman, 1st Dan

When preparing for my black belt exam, I re-read Gichin Funakoshi’s auto-biography, “Karate-Do: My Way of Life.” This fun, short book includes snippets of karate history as well as a window into Master Funakoshi’s remarkable life, following his karate journey from Okinawa in the 1860s to the United States in the 1940s. As I read, I couldn’t help but see corollaries between Master Funakoshi’s training and the training students receive at the Enso Karate dojo today. While I’d never be so arrogant as to compare our skills to his, or our modern struggles to the hard life he led, I found comfort in the fact that the essence of karate remained despite the distance of years and cultures. Here are some of my observations.

1. Late nights. When Funakoshi was a student, practicing karate was forbidden and therefore conducted in secret. These clandestine classes were held very late at night and very far from Funakoshi’s home. He recalls: “Once my enthusiasm for the art began to take hold, I never found that nighttime walk too long.” In some ways, Enso’s late-night classes are the modern equivalent of his experience. Before I embraced karate, I could not have imagined getting home at 9:30-10 p.m. several nights per week. Now I love that

trek home – high on exercise endorphins, enjoying the company of my classmates as the cool night air hits our sticky bodies.

2. Different sides of sensei. Funakoshi noted that after practice ended, his Sensei Azato would “become a different kind of teacher … theorizing about the essence of karate or, like a kindly parent, questioning me about my life.” Certainly all of us at Enso have experienced this with various sensei and sempai, especially with Sensei Jay, who truly cares about seeing his students succeed on and off the dojo floor.

3. Learning from the greats. During times when Funakoshi trained with two masters, Sensei Azato and Sensei Itosu, he would “listen most attentively to the discussions between the two, and by doing so learned a great deal about the art.” How many of us have witnessed friendly debates between Enso’s senseis? And how many of us have attended one of Enso’s regular seminars, welcoming the greats from around the region and around the world? Enso truly brings this spirit of “learning from all the masters” to our dojo.

4. Being asked stupid questions about karate. As Funakoshi said: “A man who is relatively unfamiliar with the art may say to an adept: ‘I understand you practice karate. Tell me, can you really shatter a huge rock with your fingers? Can you really make a hole in a man’s belly with them?’” I can say for certain that every time someone learns that I do karate, they ask me how many boards I can break with my bare hands. It’s apparently been an annoyance for over 100 years!

5. Teachers who are great at other stuff. Funakoshi noted that his master Azato was a highly skilled fencer as well as a politically astute man. He was astonished that someone who was such a master at karate could also be such a master at so many other things. This, too, is clearly seen in the Enso community. Look at Sensei Denise, who is a Ph.D. professor, amazing designer, and decent piano player, not to mention a phenomenal mom! Enso also relies on its network of students and instructors to help keep the non-karate aspects of the dojo running – Sensei Chris’ legal expertise, Judie’s awesome design skills, Elaine’s amazing organizing abilities, etc.

6. Growth. Funakoshi saw hockey-stick-like growth in karate’s popularity in Japan. What began as a forbidden practice conducted on the Okinawan islands, to its first introduction in Tokyo in the 1920s, to its inclusion by the Japanese education department at all schools nationwide, and then to its introduction to the U.S. Air Force at the end of World War II. While I have only been an Enso student for 5 of the 12 years it has existed, I know enough from senseis’ stories that we have grown quite significantly – from just a couple dozen students learning from Sensei Jay at the Michigan Avenue dojo into nearly 300 students taught by a dozen well-respected instructors at three different locations in downtown Chicago, the south side, and Oak Park.

7. Building the dojo. Funakoshi built and re-built dojos during his career spreading karate throughout Japan. He speaks of his students and benefactors literally helping him procure materials and build the structure. This, too, happened at Enso. I witnessed it when we moved to the current Wells Street location. Students packed up and cleaned the old dojo, unpacked the moving truck, painted walls, installed shelves, etc. Truly, it took a village.

8. Embracing karate. Throughout Funakoshi’s book, there are many references to the importance of embracing the spirit of karate with one’s heart and soul. He frequently recounts tales when he was proud to avoid using karate or ashamed to use karate because, to him and his instructors, mastering karate was just as much about this self-control and respect as it was about mastering kata and kumite. Certainly this spirit lives on at Enso, where respect and tradition have found their place from the littlest tikes to the most experienced seniors.

I’ve only trained at Enso, but my guess is that other great dojos also share a lot in common with Funakoshi’s story and legacy. That’s one of the things that’s so great about karate-ka and karate-do around the world: We share a commitment to discipline, respect, and self-improvement. Osu.


Katie Coleman is a 1st Dan student in Shotokan Karate at Enso.

Enso Karate Summer Camp

Enso Karate Camp 2015!

It’s time to register for Karate Camp at Enso!

Kids ages 5-12 will love our fun-filled camp which will be held this year from August 17-21, 2015.  Open to current karate students as well as kids new to martial arts, this camp involves learning new skills; practicing basics, kata, and kumite; fitness games; and more.

Sensei Jay and his amazing team of instructors will keep all campers moving in a positive, social setting.  The highlight is the “Camp Show” and Pizza Party on Friday to showcase their camp experience!

Camp dates:  August 17-21, 2015

Time:  9:00am-12:30pm

Cost: $250 per week

We are also happy to continue our Junior Camp Counselor program for brown and black belt youth, which gives them the chance to build their leadership and teaching skills.  Parents: please assist your child in applying online by May 16, 2015.

Learn more and register.

Creating "Enso" Art at Summer Camp

Sensei Iain Abernethy Karate Seminars May 1-3, 2015

Enso is excited to welcome Sensei Iain Abernethy, who will join us all the way from the United Kingdom for a full weekend of karate training focusing on practical, kata-based applications from May 1 to 3, 2015. This will be his 3rd visit to Enso, and as in years past, we expect participants from all over the United States, as well as the local Chicago area to attend. All are welcome!


May 1-3, 2015



Enso 412 S. Wells Street, 7th Floor Chicago, IL 60605



Friday, May 1, 2015. 6 – 8 pm

  • Foundational Bunkai

Saturday, May 2, 2015. 9 am – 5 pm & Sunday, May 3, 2013. 9 am – 1 pm

  • Historical Development/Background of Kata
  • The 4 stage Approach to Kata
  • How to Analyze the Movements of Kata
  • The Nature of Live Conflict
  • How to Create Effective Bunkai Drills
  • Karate Grappling (throws, locks, chokes, strangles, groundwork)
  • Kata Applications (Heian/Pinan series, Tekki/Naihanchi, Kushanku/Kanku-Dai, Passai/Bassai-Dai,Gankaku/Chinto, others as time allows)
  • Kata-Based-Sparring (live bunkai drills)


Fees & Registration

Pay online through our online store or mail a check payable to “Enso” to 412 S. Wells Street, 7th Floor, Chicago, IL 60607.




Open to adults 7th kyu and above, and teens 3rd kyu and above.




Any questions about this seminar can be directed to info@ensokarate.com.


Host Dojo

Founded in 2002, Enso has grown into a leading shotokan karate dojo in the Midwest, offering a full program of classes, competition, and private instruction for adults and youth. Located in the vibrant heart of downtown Chicago, the Enso dojo offers a spacious training facility and convenient transportation options.


abernethyAbout Iain Abernethy

Iain Abernethy has been involved in the martial arts since childhood. Abernethy holds the rank of 6th Dan with the British Combat Association (one of the world’s leading groups for close-quarter combat, self- protection and practical martial arts) and 5th Dan with the British Karate Association. Abernethy is in great demand on the seminar circuit and he teaches many seminars on his approach to practical karate both in the UK and overseas. The bunkai that Abernethy teaches are not prearranged karateka vs. karateka applications; nor are they static, complex, elaborate or reliant upon finite movement. Abernethy’s approach to karate makes kata application practical, simple, direct and accessible to all. Abernethy regularly writes for the UK’s leading martial arts magazines and he is a member of the Combat Hall of Fame. Abernethy’s books and DVDs have sold worldwide and his highly pragmatic approach to kata applications (bunkai) has proved to be very popular with those who wish to practice karate as an effective self-protection system.

Find Sensei Iain Abernethy on Facebook.

Enso Karate Students and Instructors Represent Team USA

In the fall of 2014, several Enso students and instructors qualified for and competed with the AAU US Team in international competition. We are so proud of our students who represented the US among elite athletes around the world.

PolandTeamIn October, three Enso students traveled to Szczcin, Poland, for the 5th Annual WUKF World Karate Championships. The four-day tournament included thousands of athletes aged 6-21 from more than 35 countries. The AAU US Team took home 32 medals, including 10 gold. Enso’s Keplar Boonstra, AJ Cesar, and Sloane Stengal all earned valuable experience and made strong friendships during this international competition. Three additional Enso students also qualified for the US Team: Toby Nierras, Charlie Reichert Powell and Josue Reyes.





PolandTeam2In November, five Enso athletes traveled to Honolulu, Hawaii, for the 2013 Honolulu International Karate-Do Championships. All together they took home 7 medals (4 gold, 2 silver, 1 bronze). Representing Enso were: Sensei Omaun Covington (2nd place, kumite, Elite Black Belt division for men), Sensei Denise Nacu (1st place, kata, Advanced Black Belt division for senior women), Sensei Jay Nacu (2nd place, kata, Advanced Black Belt division for senior men), Maile Nacu (3rd place, kata, Advanced division

division for 7-8-year-old boys). Additionally, Sensei Jay, Sensei Denise and Mateo took home the gold in the “family kata” event.

We hope they will never forget these experiences, and that they will encourage other Enso athletes to compete nationally and internationally. Thank you to AAU Karate for providing guidance, training and encouragement for all our athletes!

Ten Enso Students and Instructors Advanced to Dan Ranks

Ten Enso students and instructors were advanced to the ranks of Shodan or higher in November 2014. We congratulate these karateka for having the discipline, courage and perseverance to advance further down the path, and we hope that karate training has strengthened their bodies and minds and enriched their lives with friendship and joy.

Special Guest Judge Sensei Dwight Holley (8th Dan) traveled to Chicago from Cincinnati to help administer an exam to Marco Martina and Jason Laufenburg (of Cincinnati Shotokan Karate-do), testing for Nidan, as well as seven students testing for Shodan: AJ Cesar, Elaine Cesar, Katie Coleman, Rahmil Magsino, Maile Nacu, Jojo Nierras and Toby Nierras. Each of these students reflected on their dan ranks in the exam booklet, which is available for download as well as at the front desk.

Additionally, Sensei Holley advanced Sensei Jay Nacu to 5th Dan and Sensei Denise Nacu to 4th Dan during his visit. These advancements represent their long-time commitment to practicing and teaching the art of karate at Enso and around the world. Congratulations, to all!

The Art of Breaking with Kid Jungle

Enso Open House Highlights Fun, Friendship, and Fitness at the Chicago Dojo

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On Saturday, May 10, 2104, guests from all over Chicagoland visited Enso’s Chicago dojo to get a taste of our current offerings and NEW fitness programs launching this summer. Among the fun festivities and raffles, the event offered free trial classes and demos for:

  • Tai Chi & QiGong
  • Shotokan Karate
  • The Real YOUga
  • The Art of Breaking (hip-hop and breakdancing)
  • Zumba
  • Cardio Fit Karate

Familiar and new faces spent the day trying new activities that help promote great health and fitness — two very important aspects for us at Enso. Many left with new-found interests and new friends!

Summer 2014 Class Registration

Still want to sign up for our programs? It’s not too late! Get more information about each program and find out how you can register here. Sign-up before May 20th and receive $20 OFF! Offer expires: May 20, 2014. Not valid for drop-in rates. Offer not valid for Zumba session rate. For karate and Tai Chi program, offer is valid for new students only. ONLINE PROMO CODE: SUMMERFIT

Enso Elite Brings Home 55 Medals from AAU Regional Championships!

GroupOn April 26th – 27th, our tournament team, Enso Elite, competed in the 2014 AAU Regionals in Grayslake, IL. With 45 members on our team, we took home 55 medals in total: 20 gold, 22 silver, and 13 bronze!

Competing among top athletes from all over the region, our students left this experience feeling inspired and filled with excitement as Nationals quickly approaches! We are thankful for the amount of support we receive and effort put forth from our parents and coaches as without them, none of this is possible. We are also proud of the commitment and hard work from our athletes. We understand that preparing and competing for tournaments is never easy, but it is our hope that our athletes continue to become motivated and humbled by the experiences they have.

Way to go, team! With only 2 months left, the countdown to Nationals begins!

Enso Karate Summer Camp

Enso Karate Summer Camp 2014!

Karate Camp at Enso is back for 2014!

Kids ages 5-12 will love our fun-filled camps which will be held in August.  Open to current karate students as well as kids new to martial arts, this camp involves learning new skills; practicing basics, kata, and kumite; fitness games; and more.

Sensei Jay and his amazing team of instructors will keep all campers moving in a positive, social setting.  The highlight is the “Camp Show” and Pizza Party on Friday to showcase their camp experience!

Camp dates:

  • August 4-8, 2014
  • August 11-15, 2014

Time:  9:00am-12:30pm

Cost: $250 per week

We are also happy to continue our Junior Camp Counselor program for brown and black belt youth, which gives them the chance to build their leadership and teaching skills.  Parents: please assist your child in applying online by May 18, 2014.

Learn more and register.


Creating "Enso" Art at Summer Camp