Event Information

  • Sat


    9:00AM - 12:30PM

    Chicago dojo

    What is Kangeiko?
    Kangeiko is a Japanese term meaning “cold training” or “winter training.” The purpose of this tradition is to start the New Year with a high level of effort, renewed excitement and spirit, and a commitment to carry on for the rest of the year!!
    What’s the plan for Enso’s Kangeiko 2020?
    This special training event will include an intense combination of kata, kihon (basics), and conditioning exercises. Our goal is to complete a total of 2,020 techniques to welcome in the year 2020! 
    9:00-9:20 AM – OUTDOOR RUN. This optional 20-minute warm-up run will honor the spirit of Kangeiko’s ‘cold weather training.’ We’ll circle the block from Wells to Congress to Financial to Van Buren while wearing our gi!
    9:30-11:00 AM – ALL LEVELS TRAINING. Students of all levels (ages 6+) are welcome to participate in this session, which will center on heian kata and beginner/novice basics.
    11:00 AM-12:30 PM – ADVANCED TRAINING. Students with a purple belt rank or higher are welcome to participate in this session, which will center on advanced kata and advanced basics. We encourage our advanced students to attend both sessions to push the limits of their endurance and demonstrate their fighting spirit!

Unless otherwise noted, Enso’s events are for current students only.