Event Information

  • Sat

    Belt Exams

    Regular classes will not be held due to this event. 
    Eligibility: See Eligibility List sent to students by email. Eligibility is determined by instructors, who consider Training Time Requirements, consistency of attendance, effort, performance, attitude, and ability to perform exam requirements. The most important factors are meeting the minimum required training times, and consistency and frequency of training. 
    Fee: $35 for students who are currently white through purple belts; $50 for students who are currently 3rd and 2nd kyu (brown belts). Any outstanding fees must be paid before taking the exam. Register online or email us with permission to charge your account.
    Make-Up Exam: A make-up exam will be held on Friday, July 22, 2016 (new date). We ask students to make their best efforts to take the regular exam, and only take the make-up exam if absolutely necessary. An extra $10 fee is assessed to make-up exams. Register online or email us with permission to charge your account.

Unless otherwise noted, Enso’s events are for current students only.